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  • #183270


    I have been working with WPML team on this issue for a while now. Just figured out that the theme was actually breaking the permalinks. We disabled all the plugins including all the WPML ones, only left with theme installed but portfolio items are still not accessible.

    We tried to flush WP cache by adding below code to the functions.php.

    //Ensure the $wp_rewrite global is loaded
    global $wp_rewrite;
    //Call flush_rules() as a method of the $wp_rewrite object

    Saved permalinks several times, cleared browser cache and temp files. Left portfolio item slug empty in the theme settings, added a custom slug name… Always ended up with portfolio items pages not accessible.

    Can you please help me out with this?

    Thank you,


    Now, there is no WPML activated on the site so you only see the default language English running. All the portfolio items running on this page are not accessible, producing the error 404 page.



    Please create us an admin account and post the login credentials as private reply.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    As far as the slug names are concerned they can’t share the same slug for any other page on the site or any other taxonomy so that would definitely cause an issue.

    Being different, even slightly is needed so that should be the fix of the issue.



    Devin, Peter, please go ahead and close this thread.

    It was a complicated story, involving WPML plugins and Business Calendar plugin, thought the problem was gone, then after upgrading the theme to the latest 2.5 version, permalinks got broken again. Was not able to pinpoint the issue since there were several upgrades of different plugins prior to the theme upgrade but no WPML plugin upgrade. Thought issue was with the WPML String Translation plugin (though no upgrade was performed, strange), tried some troubleshooting steps and now the permalinks work again.

    Really weird, isn’t it?

    Thanks again for the support!

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