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  • #799482

    The translated page with wpml does not respect the left vertical menu,
    I do not see the header that contains the menu and the widgets in the translated pages.
    There seems to be a mistake but I do not understand what …
    The Italian page works well.
    The English page no


    Hey paso70,

    the english page seems pretty much the same as the italian one. Where exactly is the problem? can you provide us screenshots please? use or Dropbox.

    Best regards,


    Problems in the lower part, the bar does not continue to the footer..



    I am sorry to ask but – have you translated / added that are to the italian version?

    Best regards,


    I have translated the page in english from italian and it doesn’t maintains the codes of the left bar. It doesn’t works like in italian version.



    Could you please provide a link to the actual page with the issue? The home pages of every language look fine and I can’t find the page described in the screenshot.

    Best regards,


    Attached file, with a more detailed description let me know if you do not see the site in this way .. thanks



    I’m sorry but I don’t see a left header in any page. I think the screenshot refers to a different site.

    This is what I see:

    Best regards,


    Sorry … excuse me
    I do not know how it happened I pasted a different url…

    Sorry I did not see :-(



    No worries. I can see the issue now. Please edit the page then move all elements or set of elements inside their own color section. Or post the login details in the private field so that we can modify the page.

    Best regards,


    You can help me try it in many ways but I did not succeed.
    Now I have this problem also in another site made with this theme



    The login credentials are not working, unfortunately. Please check it carefully.

    Best regards,





    Thank you for the update. I can’t access the Appearance > Editor panel. Please add this code in the functions.php file.

    function ava_custom_script_fix(){
    	function a1() {
    		var grid = $('body').children('.avia-section, .av-layout-grid-container');
    		$(grid).appendTo('#wrap_all #main');
    add_action('wp_footer', 'ava_custom_script_fix');

    Best regards,


    Ok inserted, now works well …
    Is a bug? Or a problem due to wpml?


    Same problem here


    Similar problems in the English home page even on this site, but the code sent here does not work



    I can’t reproduce the issue in the following page. (see private field)

    Best regards,


    Here you see (see below) is above the image ..
    The side menu box does not end at the end of the page.
    Problem with the page and translated in English

    Compare the graphics with the Italian page is English


    Same problem here to see private content


    Problems with the translated page, now the side menu works, does not work the page bulder, the background image of the woman I attach below and different but the bulder page is the same in all pages, other than english and russian …
    You can help me … I do not understand what’s happening :-(



    I’m very sorry for the delay. We are aware of the issue and it is under investigation. Please provide the FTP and database login details. We would like to inspect each entries in the database.

    Best regards,




    ok web


    ok 3


    Some parts like the buttons are not translated I have to modify them with the old system



    Thank you for the FTP details. We will also need the cpanel login credentials so that we can access the database.

    Best regards,


    I did not see this answer. Here’s the data
    .. i ask you a help :-(



    Thank you for the info.

    I was able to access the cpanel and the phpmyadmin but the site is blank and there’s an “error” text. Did you modify the site? Also, the wp login details are not working anymore. I’m very sorry for the inconvenience. We’re trying our best to help you out with the issue.

    Best regards,


    For customer problems, I had to recreate the page in english with the old wpml method …
    The French page still has problems …
    Link below
    A l’intérieur du SPA Vista Mare le désir de se sentir bien s’accompagne d’agréables sensations de bien-être.”
    he section, has the picture in the background completely wrong (woman image)

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