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  • #712532

    Hi enfold-team,

    I have the Logo/Partner element above the foot on the site (like in Demo:Construction).
    There are still the 8 Logos (I did not change that up to now), but there is no rotation.
    I looked for, but I could not find a description of the settings to get the origin visible
    rotation effect (maybe I changed some settings during my experiments)

    Can you tell me where to find those settings and is that all or is there anywhere
    else (admin area or something like that) some additional setting I have to look for?

    Thanks in advance


    Hey promhock,

    Could you post a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    I do not understand why you always ask for the site to look at, because its not online during
    its “under construction”.
    Am I really the only one who is developing it local and put it up when its ready?

    So I ask again, is there any step by step description how to bring the Logo/Partner
    element into rotation (which is a standard element in the Demo), with the also already
    given logos from the Demo version?
    There are about 8 configuration settings when you put it to slider in this element,
    but maybe there is a setting to be done outside of this element (within “Theme
    options” or “Settings”).
    I really just ask for a place to read about the configuration of this element Logo/Partner
    and the meaning of the single options because I could not find it.

    Best regards

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by promhock.


    No, you are not the only one doing that. But when something goes wrong on your local machine it’s more or less impossible for us to debug it. To answer your question in part; no, there are no more settings for the Logo/Partner element than those available to you in the element options.

    If you want to debug yourself you can try inspecting the page with your browser and see if you can see any errors in the console. You can also try deactivating all plugins to see if there is any conflict coming from any of them.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    I of course understand that it would be much better if you could debug my installation.
    But to be shure, that I took the right settings, it would be helpful to read about the
    configuration of this element Logo/Partner in the documentation or in any help file.
    Is there any place where I could find it, because I already looked for that and did not get it.
    To debug might be a next step.

    Best regards


    Hi enfold-team,

    is there meanwhile any answer for my request for some useful documentation of the settings of
    the Logo/Partner element, where the settings are declared -> and the standard values like in
    the rotating Demo are given?

    Thanks in advance



    There are no other option/settings for Logo/Partner element except for what you see when you edit, you only need to set the columns (example: 4 Columns) and the important is to set Logo Slider or Logo Grid Layout to Slider and that’s it. If it’s not working even with those setting it would be hard for us to find the problem since it’s on your local machine, the basic solution for this is to deactivate other plugins.




    yes, but with this answer you helped me!
    When I read your answer talking about 4 columns I understood, its not asking for the
    maximum number of logos, its asking for the number of logos to make rotation with
    (from the maximum number).
    So I went there and put it to 4 again and “Tataaa” it worked.
    That has been the reason why I asked for a place to see the origin settings.
    I wanted to compare it.
    I had the columns set to 8 because I thought, it should take all 8 of the present logos from the origin demo
    and make some rotation (as i told from the start, I had experimented and changed the settings).
    So I can go on with that part.

    Thanks Nikko!

    Best regards


    Hi promhock,

    You’re very much welcome. Glad we could help :)


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