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  • #1059178


    the title picture for any given event I make is cut off on the detailed event description page. It is not cut off on the events overview page where all events are visible.
    Also, the default pictures which already were in the media library since WP installation are not cut off. It only seems to happen on self uploaded pictures.
    See for yourself with link in private content.

    I attached 3 screenshots for you to grasp the problem:
    #1 events page overview – all images are displayed complete
    #2 test event detail page – image is is displayed complete (this image is a default image which was in media library since wp installation)
    #3 other event detail page – image is cut smaller on top and bottom even though it has the same size and file type

    I temporally activated the theme 2019 to see if the images are cut off as well. However, it seems that they are not cut off and are displayed complete.

    I have tried different formats and file types for the images but it keeps being cut off. What is the problem here?

    I already contacted the theme developers. They say it is a problem with Enfold because images are not cut off when the theme 2019 is activated.

    I hope we can fix the issue soon.
    Thanks for the support.


    Hey P3T3R_0ne,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    What is the actual size of the image? Have you tried uploading an image larger than 1210px? That is supposed to be the minimum size of the featured images.

    Best regards,



    yes I have tried various sizes and formats.
    Currently the sandwich image of the test event has a size of 2000 × 1200 and it is not cut off.
    The clean-up Hagen event image has measures of 2362 × 1576 and it is being cut off to to bottom.
    Test event 2 has an image of the same size as the img of test event 1 2000 x 1200 and it is being cut off.



    Thanks for the update.

    Can you give us links to the test events? Try to resize the images to 845x321px. It seems to be the actual dimension of the thumbnails used in the events.

    Best regards,



    I have changed the dates of the test events so they are visible again on the main calendar overview. You need to login to see them because they are set to private.

    I have made a 3rd test event with a title image with the dims of 845x321px. It is not getting cut. However, these dimension look weird on the overview page.

    Note: Test event 1 has an image with the size of 2000x1200px and the image is not cut down on the detail page. The only difference between this image (the sandwich) and other ones is that this image was a dummy image which came with wordpress installation.



    What do you mean it looks weird in the overview page? The images in “event-overview” screenshot looks fine. The actual size of the registered thumbnail for the single events page is 845x321px, so resizing the images to that dimension prior to uploading will ensure that it’s not cropped or resized unexpectedly.

    Best regards,


    The dimensions 845x321px look bad on “event-overview” just because the image has a small height while being very wide. The screenshot you are referring to does not contain an event with a resized image of 845x321px. The images in the screenshot you are referring to have dimensions of 2000x1200px.
    The image of test event 1 is displayed fine on the details page while the image of the event “Clean Up Hagen – Runde 3” is cut off. Note again, both originally have the same dimensions.

    Why is the clean up Hagen image cut off while the test event 1 image is simply contained (resized smaller until it fits in the box)?



    Have you tried adjusting the default size of the “entry_with_sidebar” thumbnail, so it fits your requirement? That is the actual name of the thumbnail and you can adjust its size manually in the functions.php file or install the Simple Image Sizes plugin. Unfortunately, I’m not really sure why those images resize differently but I know adjusting the default thumbnail size will certainly help.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    I have tried different things in functions.php of child theme and came up with this code which solves the issue:

    function set_calender_thumbnail_size() {
        add_image_size('entry_with_sidebar', 800);
    add_action('after_setup_theme', 'set_calender_thumbnail_size');

    It just specifies the max width of the the image with unlimited height. The image doesn´t get hard cropped because the function does not have ,true behind the 800.

    So, I don´t know. Enfold might have the add_image_size or something related set with true so hard crop mode is on and that´s causing the problem. Maybe you can investigate that.

    Please check my proposed code above and tell if it won´t cause any problems somewhere else and if the hook is fine.

    But I am glad that we could solve the issue.



    Thanks for the update.

    That is a valid solution and is actually the same as manually editing the thumbnail in the functions.php file or using the Simple Image Size plugin. The default set width of the “entry_with_sidebar” thumbnail is 845px, and the crop parameter is actually disabled by default, so I’m not sure why that code works and not the default configuration. Anyway, I’m glad that you found a working solution.

    Thank you for your patience. Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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