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  • #1312125


    I updated to Enfold 4.8.4 yesterday. I’m noticing that the popup search calendar in my events listing, which allows searching from a certain date when one clicks in the “Events From” box, is partially hidden by the main page heading. It used to be visible in “front” of the main page heading. As it is now, it’s unusable. Example here:

    Event Page

    Screenshot below.

    I’d appreciate ideas for a fix. Thanks! Lance



    Just updated to 4.8.5. No change in this problem. Thanks! Lance



    Thank you for the inquiry.

    We could adjust the stack order of the date picker so that it is rendered in front of the header instead of behind it.

    .datepicker.datepicker-dropdown.dropdown-menu {
        z-index: 9999 !important;

    Please toggle or temporarily disable the Enfold > Performance > File Compression settings after adding the css code.

    Best regards,


    Thanks, Ismael.

    I added the CSS code. It seems to have done the trick. I have also disabled “CSS file merging and compression.

    You say “temporarily disable” that setting. Just to clarify: Now that it’s working, should I re-enable the CSS compression setting?

    Thanks! Lance



    Glad to know that it is working. Yes, you can now re-enable the file compression settings. We suggested disabling it temporarily to make sure that the css changes get reflected in the frontend.

    Best regards,


    Great. Fixed. Thanks! Good to close . . .

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