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  • #28242

    As the title says, I’ve searched long and hard for a theme that suited my tastes, even paid someone alot of dough to try to create a site for me in WordPress but I just never liked it. Luckily last week I found ENFOLD and was sooo pleased that it offered the looks & functionality I’ve been looking for. Very luckily I figured out enough of it to get my new site up…..woot!

    Anyhow, one prob I’m having is changing the favicon. I’ve searched this forum as well as many others, and have tried loading my favicon.ico file to my root directory where WP is located. I also followed WP instructions and put the file in the ENFOLD directory as well. I’ve cleared my cache, but still no new favicon.

    Therefore, I saw one guy suggest adding some code on the header.php. When I opened the header.php I did find some mention of an Avia favicon but the code around it looked very different so I didn’t dare attempt to change anything.

    So the million dollar question for me is how can I change the favicon?

    Thanks for your help, and once again thanks for creating such a kickass looking theme!

    Kind regards,




    Go to Enfold > Theme Options > Favicon. Upload your own image.




    Hey Ismael, I’m positive you already said this in your own head, but I am a dumbass……..thanks though man, you’re great!

    Kind regards,




    Haha! Of course not. Sometimes we really miss these things. Glad we could help. :)



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