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  • #491623


    i have some issues finding a solution for a “minor” problem. If you watch this site and rescale it to 7” or 8” landscape tablet size you will notice the text is longer then the image. This dont happen on desktop since a bigger resolution. So is there any way how i can link the textbox beside the image with the textbox below it to have some kind of floating text arround the image and avoid this blank space? Thank you for the help in advance.

    Have a nice weekend


    Hey cr3epy,

    I couldn’t see the problem you are describing, could you post a screenshot of it please?



    Hey Rikard,

    Yeah i can i fixed it a bid with middle – but its still a huge gab between the picture and the text. I am searching for an option where you have everywhere the same amount of space between the picture and the text no matter what kind of resolution the user uses. In Indesign you have an option where you can “wrapping” an text arround an image if you adjust the text is “wraps” automatically.

    Example Website:

    Example Indesign Wrap:

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by cr3epy.


    please refer to this page on how to float text around an image:

    Best regards,


    Hey Andy,

    thanks will try that but it wont work for sliders etc etc. – so maybe there will be somewhen a build-in option to make this happen this would be great. So even people without coding knowledge can make this happen. And it would be a real advantage compared to other themes. :)




    I can see how that would be useful.

    You can actually make a feature request here.

    Best regards,


    Hey Dake,

    thanks i added a topic – lets see what will happens. This topic can be closed thank for the help to all of you.


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