My text inside a text block is overlapping itself. There are 3 paragraphs and they are each overlapping each other on mobile – the last and first sentence of the paragraphs are overlapping. I have a text block inside a page element inside a color section. The color section doesn’t have a set height and the element doesn’t have padding or anything.
Sending you the link privately.
Please add the following to quick css:
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
.av_textblock_section .avia_textblock p{
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon
Hi, It seems to be working on mobile, but it’s actually crowding and overlapping somewhere around 950px – 1000px. Sorry, should ahve been more specific in my description. I tried changing the max-width to 989, 990, and 1200 and it didn’t seem to fix it for medium sized screens.
It’s working now! I think it was a cache issue. I was working in an incognito window, but I completely closed all my incognito windows and it seemed to clear it out.
Perfect! If you need additional help, please let us know in the forums.
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon