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  • #1093217

    Whenever I edit a page with a text box or icon box inside a color section, the content I originally put in the text box is not visible on the visual tab. When I switch to the text tab, all I see is a big block of code. If I update the page as is, the block code becomes the content on the page. I must return to edit, remove the block of code in the text tab and replace with the content I originally intended. This happens whenever I make a change to the content – even small changes like correcting typos.

    As an example… I opened an icon box. At the bottom of the page is the content box. There is content in the box but it was not visible on the visual tab. So, I switched to the text tab and I see this:

    <p>[av_layerslider id=’1′][av_one_third first]<br />[av_image src='https://enfold-2019-demo.local/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/2-300x195.jpg' align='center' animation='no-animation'][av_textblock]This is niceLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.<br />Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis<br />[/av_textblock]<br />

    I copied a few lines above. There are many more. In order for me to make an edit, I must remove all this code and replace it with the normal content that goes there. After I update the page, everything appears as it should. However, if I need to make another edit, I must go through this process again i.e. remove all the code in the text tab and reenter my normal content.

    I am new to enfold. Perhaps this is normal behavior. I don’t think it is. Please help.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by piano_playr. Reason: Provided more detail

    I did a deeper forum dive to review the posts from others regarding this issue. I was able to find a couple of relevant posts. One of the posts suggested updating the enfold theme. I did that . It seems to have resolved the problem. I don’t know what version the previous theme was. I purchased it on April 27, 2017. The version replacement theme version is 4.5.6. I assume this is the most current version. Here are the versions of the other applications in the stack:

    PHP: 7.2.9
    MySQL: 5.7.23
    WordPress: 5.1.1



    Great, I’m glad that you managed to resolve the problem and thanks for the update. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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