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  • #250217

    Hi there,

    I recently encountered an annoying bug regarding the “Text Block” element.

    To reproduce it simply create a new page and drag the “Text Block” element into the layout.
    Then click on the “Text Block” element to edit it. The “Text Block” element editor pops up. Do NOT hit “save” but close the window via “x” and re-enter the “Text Block” element again.

    You’ll notice TinyMCE switches to “text” mode and if you click on “visual” again no content is visible anymore.

    My console output:
    wp-tin…8-25336 (Zeile 2)

    I hope you can fix that one rather sooner that later ;)

    Thank you and keep up the great work!

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by Oneline04.

    Hey Oneline04!

    I’ve tagged the issue for Kriesi to look into :)

    Best regards,


    I have problems reproducing the issue. mind taking a short 1 minute screencast with so I can exactly see what you do to get the error? :)



    kriesi, i am having the same problem so i will post a private reply with a screencast of the error occurring. but in summary, the first time i open a text block, the visual editor works fine. the second time opening a text block (it could be the same one, or another), i get an error in the console:

    NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED: wp-tinymce.php:5

    and that row 5 is:

    }function i(){“undefined”!=typeof console&&console.log&&console.log(“Failed to load: “+e)}var o=r,a,s;s=o.uniqueId(),a=document.createElement(“script”),,a.type=”text/javascript”,a.src=e,”onreadystatechange”in a?a.onreadystatechange=function(){/loaded|complete/.test(a.readyState)&&n()}:a.onload=n, [continues….]

    i previously posted to the longer thread about this here:

    i’ve done all the regular things like clearing caches, fresh install of WP, no plugins, etc. there are many threads about similar issues on and luckily for some people, it’s an easy fix when they just disable a plugin. i’ve also checked the master list of conflicts here ( but i don’t see any components of enfold that could be causing it.

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Mind posting us the access data to your wordpress installation in a private reply so I can take a look at it myself?
    Also I asume you are running the latest version of both, the theme and wordpress?

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Got it. Seems to happen on firefox only in that way. Will be fixed with the next small patch :)

    Thanks for your help!

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