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  • #1204575

    Good evening Folks,

    new question: on the basis of the problems with the new wp-update I
    switched back to the classic-editor. After that I noticed that the “text-
    block-edditing-window” in the classic-mode is much bigger than the
    window in the block-mode. Please, take a look on the screenshots.
    Did you noticed that difference, too or not? And will the block-win-
    dow getting bigger in the near future? Because the editing in this win-
    dow of course is much easier! :) Or is it maybe just a problem on Mac-

    Best regards


    Hey Carsten,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    It’s probably a styling or css issue with the text field. We don’t see the same issue on our end though. Have you tried disabling the plugins? Maybe one of them is affecting the editor style.

    Best regards,


    Hey Ismael,

    thanks for your new reply.

    I checked all my plugins and it seems that they’re ok.
    I also checked all my different browsers…everywhere
    the same problem. Maybe it has to do with my Mac?
    Or better say – with the Mac OS. Maybe we ask Rikard
    because he got the same OS as me.

    Best regards


    Hi Carsten,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Best regards,


    Good evening Victoria,

    here are the admin-login-data.

    Best regards,


    Hi Carsten,

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    thx for your new reply!
    But the problem is in the “text-block-edditing-window” as I has written first.
    For me it looks like that you checked it on a very small laptop-screen. Sorry,
    but I have a much bigger display and there it still looks like on my screenshots.
    My guess is still that it has something to do with the operating system. Maybe
    we could ask Rikard as I suggested already? Because he’s got the same OS like
    me. :)

    Best regards


    Hi again Folks,

    I just wanted to ask again, if you Victoria (or Rikard?) had the possibility
    to check my follow-up-question in the meantime?

    Kind regards



    Very sorry for the delay. Rikard said that he can see the difference between the editor but he’s not sure if this is something from the theme. It doesn’t seem like a critical issue because you can still work on the editor.

    Best regards,

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