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  • #1349570


    Is it possible, even if we need to use custom code, to animate each word in a text block element? Something similar to the following?

    It would be great if we can use this in multiple places by assigning a Custom ID Attribute or a Custom CSS Class.

    Many thanks.


    Hey sitesme,

    Yes it’s possible however you would need to write some js and CSS code.
    I have found something interesting that might help you with it:
    Hope it helps.

    Best regards,


    Hi @Nikko

    Thank you for this lead. Looks great.
    I can add the js and CSS code in WordPress through a Header plugin, this is not a problem, but I have no idea how to adapt this to Avia Layout.
    Could you please tell me how can I apply this animation code to Enfold?

    Thank you



    Thanks for the update. Did you try adding the ml3 class to the element which you want to animate?

    Best regards,


    Hi sitesme,

    On you child theme, create a folder and name it js, inside it create a file called moving-letters.js and inside the file paste this code:

    // Wrap every letter in a span
    var textWrapper = document.querySelector('.ml3');
    textWrapper.innerHTML = textWrapper.textContent.replace(/\S/g, "<span class='letter'>$&</span>");
    anime.timeline({loop: true})
        targets: '.ml3 .letter',
        opacity: [0,1],
        easing: "easeInOutQuad",
        duration: 2250,
        delay: (el, i) => 150 * (i+1)
        targets: '.ml3',
        opacity: 0,
        duration: 1000,
        easing: "easeOutExpo",
        delay: 1000

    Then in functions.php of your child theme, add this code:

    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wp_animate_text', 100 );
    function wp_animate_text() {
       wp_enqueue_script( 'anime-js', '', '', '2.0.2', true);
       wp_enqueue_script( 'moving-letters-js', get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/js/moving-letters.js', array('anime-js'), '1.0.0', true);

    If you use a Special Heading, you can just directly add the class ml3 via Advanced (tab) > Developer Settings > Custom CSS Class.
    If you are using a Text Block then change it from Visual mode to Text mode then add it like this:
    <p class="ml3">Click here to add your own text</p>
    Hope this helps.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Nikko.
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