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  • #857095

    So a while back I created css classes for different testimonial styles so that one style would show up only on mobile and another style would show up on desktop view. For some reason when one of the guys in the enfold support team went in and cleaned up my code for mobile styles the testimonials isn’t working properly. I have tried messing with it today and I still can’t get it to work right. So I want the grid style testimonial to show up on mobile and the slideshow testimonial to show up on the desktop view. I have linked the website as well as the support username and password in the private content below.


    and I forgot to have this forum notify me of replies via email so I am typing another response so I can select that.



    Some custom CSS code added by you at the Enfold > General Styling is causing it because if you delete all the code, you`ll see the testimonial normally.

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    Yes I know I deleted the code. It was causing other areas of my site to be messed up, so I just deleted it until I find the proper solution.


    Hi metrocitygirl,

    The way to do it at this point, without any customizations, is to create two elements: one with grid style, the other with the slider style and use screen options to control which screen size they are shown at.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    I am confused because I had it customized with css before and it worked great. I created two different css classes and had the grid style show only on mobile and the slider style showing on the desktop. Then one of the enfold support guys went in and cleaned up my code to make something else on the site work properly and that’s when the css that handles the testimonials customization stopped working.



    The custom css modifications to hide/display certain elements on different screen sizes or devices were removed because you can just use the Screen Options. Edit the grid then look for the Screen Options panel. I think it’s self explanatory once you see the options.

    Best regards,


    wow how come no one told me about this in the first place. This makes it so much easier. Thanks! You can close the thread now!



    Great! Let us know if you need anything else. :)

    Best regards,

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