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  • #1464141


    Please advise regarding the testimonials on the above page, the navigation was working but has stopped, you maybe able to navigate to one new testimonial but stops working after that, or does not work at all. – found at the base of the page

    Thank you


    Hey Aeroviews,

    Could you try updating the theme to the latest version (6.0.2) to see if that helps please?

    Best regards,


    Thank you
    When I go to theme update, no update is displayed, I purchased the theme on themeforest so I cannot get an envato token. It looks like I can only update manually would that be right?



    Themeforest is a part of Envato. Please follow this guide:

    Best regards,


    Thank you
    Updated, but the testimonials navigation continues to not work.



    Please send us a temporary WordPress admin login and login URL so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.

    Best regards,


    Please see private content



    Thanks for that. I’m not sure what is causing this problem unfortunately, could you share FTP login details as well so that we can try to upload a fresh copy of the theme for you?

    Best regards,


    Hi please see private message


    The previous was wrong – please find new message



    Thanks for that. I’m not sure why this topics was closed, sorry for that.

    I’ve added another instance of your testimonials and the navigation seems to be working fine there. Please check the new instance and remove the old one if it works as expected. I’ve removed the styling in the new instance, but we can add that back with CSS if everything is working as it should.



    Ok, that is fine, working now thank you

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