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  • #832622

    Hi there,

    I would like to use the testimonials option that comes with Enfold over using another plugin simply because enfold’s testimonials are so much cleaner and easier to customise.

    Now I would ideally like to use this feature for business reviews (structured data) and I believe the existing fields would need tweaking and some custom fields would need to be added to fulfill this. Now I know this is pretty complicated and in depth and thus you cannot give me a step by step list of to do’s as it is out of the regular support scope – so I have 3 questions:

    1) Is this ridiculous to try and do as it would be significantly time consuming compared to using a plugin that already outputs review structured data
    2) Will changing this likely break anything in the theme (I am using an active child theme)
    3) What theme files would the changes need to be implemented in.

    Thank you!

    Your support is by far the best I have come across for anything theme/plugin related. Your service is very appreciated by the staff at our business.


    Hey Briana,

    Would you mind providing us with login credentials so we can take a closer look? To do this, you can make a post with the following info:

    – Link to your site
    – WordPress Admin username / password
    – FTP credentials

    Don’t forget to select Set as private reply. This ensures your information is only visible to our staff.

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    Hi John,

    I haven’t built the site I want to implement this question for BUT I have another that would have the exact same set up so if you were able to take a look at that one and let me know generally how I would do this.

    See private section.



    Sorry for the late reply!

    1- If you choose to use Enfold’s testimonials element, you will need to hire a freelance developer and have it implemented in your child theme once (you may need to update the file if we make any changes on testimonials elements). You can save your testimonial element as a template and insert Enfold shortcodes inside to display different fields, elements.

    You can enable debugging mode to see shortcodes you have created in pages using Advanced Layout Builder –

    Or, You can switch to Default Editor and click on Magic Wand to see full list of shortcodes
    then you can create any of them and copy/paste shortcode into any other content element or into text widget.

    2- No, it would not. You can refer to this post – and apply the changes on your child theme.

    3- Enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/testimonials.php file is the file you are looking for :)

    Best regards,


    Fantastic thank you,
    This will give me enough to play around in the right area/way.

    You can close this ticket.




    Thanks for the feedback. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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