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  • #467277

    I came across an issue the display of apostrophes in my testimonial section, near the bottom of my home page. It appears that they are rendered incorrectly. They are putting in odd characters. It doesn’t appear to show up in any of the normal body text. Here’s a screenshot:

    screenshot of issue

    I’ve only noticed this since updating to the latest version of Enfold. I’m running WP 4.2.2 if that helps.
    Thanks in advance.


    Hey Brett!

    I can’t see the issue on your website. Can you use screenshot to highlight it please? or give us a precise link? However, use the html entity or unicode showed in this list:

    Best regards,



    I created a test page and it doesn’t seem to be happening on regular links. It’s weird it’s only happening on the testimonial website link for you. Your using Enfold 3.2 but the latest is 3.2.3. Try completely deleting Enfold from your WordPress theme directory before downloading + uploading a fresh copy from themeforest.

    Also make sure all plugins are deactivated while testing.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Elliott.
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