I discovered that when using Avia Layout Builder for content, the template file used is template-builder.php.
I would like to use normal template files, e.g. front-page.php for Home Page.
I want to use Layout Builder for main content, and I want also to make some php modifications to template file.
How can I do that ? How can I use the native template in addition to Layout Builder ?
If you are editing page and you use the default editor, the page.php will then be use as the template. You can’t use a custom template then use the Layout Builder at the same time.
So, the solution is : work with Avia Layout Builder to organize content and switching to default editor before updating. Could you confirm ?
Hi JudeAAZ,
There isn’t a way to switch freely between the two (advanced layout editor and regular visual editor). Its really just a front end interface for putting together shortcodes by the data is saved separately from the visual editor to prevent wordpress from messing with the code.
So if you wanted to use custom page templates, you would need to do the layouts with shortcodes inside the regular visual editor.
Working with Avia Layout Builder inserts regular shortcodes inside regular visual editor. So the solution (that works!) is to build a page with the help of Avia Layout Builder, then switching to regular visual editor (where we can see shortcodes) and updating post-page.
If you want to view your shortcodes you can also activate the debug mode: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/export-theme-settings-and-templates
You can i.e. copy/paste the output of the debug field into the standard editor and modify it there.
No need to activate a debug mode to see shortcodes because simply switching to the standard WordPress editor does the job !
With the advantage that “template-builder.php” is no longer used (normal templates are used (page.php, single.php,…))