I contact you because i installed a grid management plugin for my blog. (The Grid – Themeone). it works perfectly with your theme, but I’d like to apply the same to Category pages.
It is apparently possible, as explained in the documentation:
-> In these files, you will find the main loop:
if (have_posts ()):
while (have_posts ()): the_post ();
// some code from your theme
// ...
// ...
You just need to replace all the previous php code by this line of code:
The_Grid ('My Grid Name', true); // where true is for template mode
I tried to apply this to the file loop-index.php but without success, your file is much more complicated than this example.
Can you help me please ?
Thank you very much
Hey Maryb,
Can you try to use a child theme, then copy archive.php to your child theme.
Then rename archive.php (in child theme) to category.php then replace all instances of
get_template_part( 'includes/loop', 'index' );
in the file to:
The_Grid ('My Grid Name', true);
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
thank you very much, it works perfectly!
Hi Maryb,
We’re glad that we could help :)
Thanks for using Enfold and have a great day!
Best regards,