The current valid phone number settings will allow just 3 numbers to go through.
Is it possible to require 10 numbers and to automatically sort those numbers to this format: 555-555-1234?
So if somebody types in 5555551234 it will change it to 555-555-5555.
Thank you for your help.
Hey Micheal0424!
This is possible but it will take a lot of time to customize it. We would suggest you to hire a freelancer or if you give us some time on this we can try and whip up some custom jQuery for you.
Best regards,
Vinay Kashyap
I will just put this in the suggested features area.
That way everybody can benefit from it.
This is an example:
I don’t care for contact form 7, I like the one on here much better, but this addon plugin has some good features.