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  • #287608

    I’ve set ‘Header Phone Number/Extra Info’ to ‘display in topbar at the right’ (by clicking ‘enfold-child’ in the sidebar, “Header layout”, “Extra elements”) and under “Phone Number or small info text” I’ve put my telephone number but it doesn’t display
    I tried using the unicode (character map) : 📞 but on it’s own it does nothing (ie displays a square because the character is not found in the font)

    Here’s an exact example of what I mean:
    He posted his site in the enfold-showcase thread but it appears he’s using a different theme)
    Also how to get that email symbol?

    Please help.



    Try applying this mod:

    Then you can paste [shortcodes] in that field.

    Best regards,


    Cool, Thanks :-) Quick question:

    Open /includes/helper-main-menu.php and look for line 68:

    if($phone) { echo “<div class=’phone-info {$phone_class}’><span>{$phone}</span></div>”; }
    Replace it by this:
    if($phone) { echo “<div class=’phone-info {$phone_class}’><span>”.do_shortcode($phone).”</span></div>”; }

    I created and am using a child theme, so where do I copy includes/helper-main-menu.php to?
    I’m guessing I create an ‘includes’ folder in the enfold-child folder and put it in there like this:
    or do I put it in the root folder of the child theme like this:

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by ksdominant.

    Also: Can you please give an example of the shortcode I need to paste in for the telephone symbol? or a link to where the shortcodes are for telephone, email, etc.. I tried googling “enfold telelephone shortcode” and found nothing..

    And I think that may be the wrong link, That zoom plugin isn’t for shortcodes, it allows users to zoom into part of the screen (unless the shortcodes thing is something else it does on the side but doesn’t mention on its page.



    There is no easy way to place the changing in the child theme. You have to do it in the enfold parent theme file.




    You’d need to generate the shortcodes to use in a separate Page (using the magic wand tool). For example, here’s an icon element (phone) in shortcode format:

    [av_font_icon icon='ue854' font='entypo-fontello' style='' caption='' link='' linktarget='' color='' size='40px' position='left'][/av_font_icon]



    Hi Guys,

    I am trying to do a similar objective here. I have a shortcode function I have created to greet the logged in user if logged in or to show a sign up/login link if they are not. The shortcode works in the extra info field, but for some reason it gets thrown out of the phone-info div and then displays on the left of the screen. How can I fix this?



    Hi Guys, Sorry, I seem to have fixed my own problem by adding tags in the function itself.

    For anyone that needs this shortcode function, I may as well add it in here to help someone else that may want a welcome greeting in the header.

    Add this function to functions.php:

    // Add Welcome Shortcode
    function welcome_shortcode() {
    if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
     global $current_user;
          echo '<span class="welcome">'. 'Hello: ' . $current_user->display_name . "\n" . '</span>';
    } else {?> <?php echo '<span class="welcome">';?><a href="">Login</a> / <a href="">Sign Up</a> <?php  };
    echo '</span>'; 
    add_shortcode( 'welcome', 'welcome_shortcode' );

    Use [welcome] shortcode in the phone/extra info field of enfold.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by mediax2014.


    Thanks for sharing your solution, let us know if you need further assistance.



    I am having a strange problem with the incorrect phone number showing in top bar, extra elements in header. Ref. in Safari and it displays 248-877-5500, and I changed it to 248-320-7080 and it display correctly when I’m logged in. Once logged out the number changes back. I deleted the number, disabled the extra elements, re-enabled the elements and input correct number. I also deleted browser history and cache -but no luck.



    Do you have any minification/caching plugin running on your site?



    Yes, it was WP fastest cache. Thanks, we’re good!

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