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  • #850581

    Dear Sir or Madam.
    I do know that this is not the right place to ask my question, but I don’t have the access to support forum (it should be clear why after reading my letter). Nevertheless I hope for some help in solving my problem.

    Quick insight.
    At our company we ordered a new website few months ago. Although the order was executed, we are not pleased with the final result and the way of cooperation with the contractor (i.e. web developer). Because of that the decision was made to tune this new website a little bit on our own. And indeed, few things we did successfully, but not everything yet. Because an Avia Layout Builder is included in the WP admin editor panel, I presume that the theme used for the creation of our new website is based on one of your products (please correct me if my conclusion is wrong).

    The problem.
    We have a webpage where the content is presented using “vertical” accordion effect. There is a vertical list of headers. Each position on the list has its collapsed description. The description is rolled down after tapping the header. We have also a media (pictures) associated with every single header. The problem occurs while browsing the photos. They are not limited to one header only and all pictures (affiliated with all headers) are displayed. Pictures are not grouped into individual galleries (I don’t want to do that; grouping affects browsing – it stops working properly after that).

    Is there a way to limit pictures browsing? We would like to show media affiliated with one header only without grouping them into individual galleries.

    Sorry for this unusual request, that is probably beyond your regular support policy. However I still hope for some help. Thank you very much. Kind regards,


    Hey Dominik,

    Can you show us your web site – so we can see what is been used please?
    That is the first step – then we can see why ALB is not been worked.

    Best regards,

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