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  • #1343176

    Hi guys

    We did this already a few times and I’m sorry that i have to bother you with this again. This is the last time about this.

    We would like to change the TeamViewer Logo placement in the header to the left.
    So would go on the left of “Startseite” on the german page and on the left of “home” in the english page.

    Like some of you guys already know i’m not a css guy and don’t know where to put it so i would be really happy if someone would do that for me.

    Kind Regards and thank you all for your help!


    Hey attifilm,
    Thank you for the login, the TeamViewer item is a menu item that can be dragged anywhere in the menu, I moved it for you in both languages, please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,


    Hey Mike

    Thank you. I saw that it was a menu item but it just didn’t come to mind that i can just move it.
    Really sorry about that.

    Anyways. Appreciate the help and your patience with me.

    Have a great day!



    No problem. Please feel free to open another thread if you have more questions regarding the theme.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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