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  • #1419720


    I’m trying to figure out a way to nicely present the biographies of speakers on this page:

    VRWS Agenda

    I’d like them to be filling in the same space in terms of length, or something that results in being nice and balanced.

    Is there a possibility for example to add a “read more” link after the first line of bio inside the “team member” bio description, so it’s showing the full bio?

    Alternatively, what solution could you suggest that I use to have a more visually balanced, pleasant and less clunky page?

    Thank you


    one way could be the very old way to set something in this html :

      Click here to add your own text 

    you can add that to the team member description field – there are warnings about using tags – but it will work!

    Or you do not enter the description to the team member element but in a separate text-block under the team member element.
    On newer enfold versions there are options to fold/unfold text-block element just below the content input text area.

    see both alternatives here:


    Fantastic @Guenni007! Problem solved, you’re a star!
    Thank you so much.

    Thread can be closed.
    Thanks again!


    Of course you can replace the details text. (not that one in the tag – but surrounded by the details tag)


    I did already and it looks perfect, thank you so much!


    Yes – i belong to the Text inside <summary>XYZ</summary>

    by the way if you like to have only one details open at the same time:

    function only_one_details_open(){
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $('details').on('click', function(){
    add_action('wp_footer', 'only_one_details_open');


    Thanks for helping out @guenni007 :-)

    Best regards,

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