Hello Support,
I am having an issue with the team member content element, where you can add a social service or icon link to a team member.
The description says “Below each Team Member you can add Icons that link to destinations like facebook page, twitter account etc.”
Doing so, I get the following results:
(1) There is no icon below each team member, but when hovering over the picture the icon appears.
=> I’d rather would like to have it below the picture, but I see no option to do so.
(2) When clicking on the picture then, I end up on my own 404-page
=> Instead of using the URL I entered into the field, it takes my homepage’s URL and adds the social-link-URL to it.
Link to the page: http://bit.ly/1k9xmbD
Thanks for your support !
Hey Katrin!
1.) You can use the Icon Shortcode instead of the Team Member’s social option.
2.) The URL should be “http://ch.linkedin.com/in/inspiriting” not “ch.linkedin.com/in/inspiriting”.
Hey Ismael,
yeep, thank you. It works now.