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  • #1427853

    Hi, we are using the Team Member element and the accordion element for the bios as ‘read more’. Is it possible to have a box that pops up over the Team element rather than have a long bio? There are many and we want a fresh design. Please advise, thank you!


    Hey sharynt3,
    Please see this tutorial for making the team member element a popup.
    In this thread Guenni007 offers another solution using a image, text & button to simulate a team member popup and has a working example that you can try.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for your reply Mike. We don’t have a child theme, is there another workaround?


    Hi sharynt3,

    You can use WPCode plugin to insert the code that should be added in the child theme’s functions.php, just make sure to set it as PHP snippet.

    Best regards,


    Hi, thank you for your replies.
    We are still not able to reproduce either options provided. Is it that our Teams are not built the same way as referenced?
    Please see the private content for the specific pages with Teams and advise the best options. Thank you.


    Thanks for the feedback, it looks like you have added the team member content into a accordion element under the team member element instead of adding it into the team member description field.
    Can you use the team member description field for the content and remove the accordion elements?
    Try creating a test page with three team member elements like this and include a admin login for us and we help you create the popups like in the thread.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike, I created the test page, will send it privately along with login. Thank you.
    Just to clarify what we are looking for is a lightbox for Team members on the 3 different pages. If there is only one layout option, please explain which one to use. Also, instead of “bio” for the button, we would want it to be “Read more” with an arrow pointing to the right, on the right of the text.
    We want the photo on the left as in the instructions sent, and if the color can be the theme color rather than black. Much appreciated.


    Thanks for the test page, please check the test page to see if the popup team member element is satisfactory, if so I will explain how to use it for your other pages.
    Currently it will only work on the test page.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike, thanks for your work but it is not what we are trying to achieve. Please and reset the work you did. We will manually use the portfolio feature instead. Thank you for all your efforts and support. Much appreciated.


    Ok, I removed my customizations, unless there is anything else we can help with on this issue, shall we close this thread then?

    Best regards,


    Hi again, one more thing…we created the bios using the portfolio feather as this created the look we wanted similar to the pop-up lightbox. Is there a way to hide them from appearing next? Should they be in a category? Please advise. See below for page and how the 4 portfolio items are now appearing on 2 pages, thanks so much.


    Just to clarify, the 4 portfolio items that are on several pages as blogs are the only ones we want to display and click through to the next. The way it is now, with the Team members as portfolio items, is shifting the 4 on 2 different pages. Please advise, thanks again.


    I have checked your page and found no popups, your “read more” buttons go to the portfolio item, I believe that you are referring to the “next” & “prev” portfolio links on the side of each portfolio item, and some of them lead to portfolio items that are not team members, the only way to change this is to remove these items.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike, Yes, they are now portfolio items. My question was regarding how that impacts the shift in now how many there are on the bottom of the page I sent in private, please see again below. There were only the 4 with images and now there are 5, one is blank and its on 2 pages.


    I only see four and none are blank:

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike, thanks. Yes, I figured out the issue and set the dates so the 4 came back. Thanks again for all your help, we can close this thread now. Best regards.


    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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