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  • #499200

    Hi Team,

    what I have to do to bring tags and images in the output of the excerpt?
    I can use an plugin what bring me an nice editor for the excertp field but
    the output will filtering and the formating and images are not shown.
    Hope you can help me!

    Kind Regards


    Hi Mike61!

    When you edit the post scroll down until you see the excerpt field and add whatever you need in there. If you do not see the excerpt field then click on “Screen Options” in the top right hand corner of your screen and check it to display.

    Best regards,


    Hi Elliott,

    that was not my question. I know that!
    My Question: What is to do that the excerpt field OUTPUT don’t filter tags?
    I need formation and images in the excerpt. You understand this better what I mean?

    Kind Regards



    The excerpt is not supposed to display that stuff so it’s going to filter it out. You can set a custom excerpt like how I explained in my previous post. When you set a custom excerpt none of the tags will be filtered, it will display everything.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by Elliott.

    Hi Elliott,
    sorry, but I don’t understand what you mean with “custom excerpt”. In your previous post you describe what I have to do to use the regular excerpt?! Please drop one line more – thank you!

    Kind Regards

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by Mike61.


    Edit your post and scroll down until you see the excerpt field and then type your tags / text out in that field and save the post.

    If you do not see the excerpt field then click on “Screen Options” in the top right hand corner of your screen and check it to display.



    Hi Elliott,

    why you do that? I told you that I see that s*** filed and i use that field but the output is filtered
    and no formats, links, images etc. are in the output – What I need is an unfiltered output.
    What I have to write that you (or better an other supporter?) understand this?!




    If you type out the excerpt in the custom excerpt field then nothing is going to be filtered so I believe your mistaken. Send us a WordPress login and take a screenshot highlighting exactly what is going on so we can get a better idea.

    Best regards,



    here an screen of the excerpt:

    The Links at this excerpt are edit as normal links with tags (clickable), after saving all html is filtered out.

    When you login go to “Articles” -> “Bender Steffen” -> “Auszug (Excerpt)”.
    There you will find the excerpt of the screenshot.



    It’s working fine for me.



    Hi Elliot,
    that is so bad but wonderfull :)
    I don’t know why it don’t work for me at he last days, I think I was to stupid – maybe.
    Thank you for your time. You can close this ticket.

    Kind Regards



    glad Elliott could help. Let us know in a new ticket if you have some more questions related to the theme. We are happy to assist you.



    Just to add this: This is not an Enfold specific thing. That´s how WordPress deals with excerpts. Always.


    Hey Michael,
    you are very taff ;)



    Thanks for the input :-)


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