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  • #493867

    hello again

    I’m giving the finishing touches to our page and so far most things work pretty well. Now I do have two problems though.

    1) Please see the screenshots to get a better idea of what I am saying. On the desktop browser when I reduce the width of my browser window it perfectly triggers to tablet portrait mode which looks like this:

    When I reduce it further it later triggers to smartphone portrait mode view which further collapses the portfolio grid to one column which is OK and expected.

    Now unfortunately on the iPad in portrait view this trigger doesn’t seem to work and what I get is this:

    I tried changing the grid.css as suggested in an other topic but this only switched the directly to smartphone view skipping the tablet portrait mode altogether. I tried all kinds of different combinations to no avail.

    Also going hand in hand with this I’d like to get the partner grids which are placed in 4x 1/4 grid rows to display differently. for both tablet and smartphone views (portrait) I’d like to stack them in pairs (2 besides each other) instead of 1 by 1 (having 6 logo per row instead of just 3). I have this active in my quick css:

    /*break partner logo columns*/
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .avia-content-slider .slide-entry-wrap {
    width: 33.3%;
    margin-bottom: 0px !important;
    margin-left: 0% !important;

    this helps to get the logos to display 3 in a row but not 6. any change to the code I tried broke the grid somehow.

    2. When I open a portfolio item from the portfolio grid the images in the slideshow are not fitted into the container correctly. Instead of fitting the width and adjusting the height accordingly the images are taken full height and cropped left and right. If you take a look at it only the item “breakout 9” is filled with sample images at the moment.

    If you could help me out with these issues I’d be very thankful. credentials enclosed!

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by zerodi.

    update: I was able to solve problem #2 on my own with this in the function.php

    add_action( 'avf_portfolio_preview_template_params', 'avf_portfolio_preview_template_params_mod', 10, 2 );
    function avf_portfolio_preview_template_params_mod($params, $entry) {
     if($params['method'] == 'slideshow') {
    	 $params['preview_size'] = 'magazine';
     return $params;

    #1 is still unsolved though.



    I checked your portfolio grid and you have defined “3 columns” for it. That’s why it will stay with 3 columns. You can choose 2 columns if you want.

    For the sections you want to break try this code in Quick CSS field:

    @media only screen 
      and (min-device-width: 768px) 
      and (max-device-width: 1024px) 
      and (orientation: portrait) {
    #top .flex_column_table_cell {
    display: table-header-group;

    For your logos try this code:

    @media only screen 
      and (min-device-width: 768px) 
      and (max-device-width: 1024px) 
      and (orientation: portrait) {
    #top .no_margin.av_one_third {
    width: 50,3%;



    hello andy.

    thanks for trying to help. although the fixes didn’t work as I hoped I was able to change some things around and we are fine with how it looks now.

    maybe you can help me out with another issue though. we started testing the page on different browsers and the performance of the site is really awful. it’s impossible to smoothly scroll through the page without jumps and screen glitches. tested in chrome, safari and firefox with more or less the same result. It doesn’t seem to be an issue on mobile browsers though, so I suspect the color sections to be responsible *just a guess*. with backgrounds set to parallax the issues are worst. with fixed backgrounds it is slightly better.

    this is really a deal breaker. could I please ask you to take a look again and work some magic?



    please refer to this solutions:

    Best regards,


    hello andy.

    thank you. I will run the mentioned optimizations once the site is completely finished BUT I’m not sure this will address the issue I was describing (correct me if I’m wrong). I was not talking about the page load speed/performance but stuttering scroll performance with color sections that contain a full screen BG and fixed or parallax setting. It is especially bad in firefox but also noticeable in chrome and safari.

    see this short screencast:

    And finally I discovered another bug with the ajax portfolio preview slideshow. this was reproduce-able for me by doing the following every time in all available browsers:

    1. open a project in the grid with ajax preview
    2. close the preview
    3. open the same project in preview again
    4. the slideshow doesn’t show anymore

    strange thing is that only the one slideshow seems to be bugged. slideshows from other projects still work fine. even when you browse through the projects via ajax item navigation (arrows on the right top) and close the preview at any given project it will always be this item that is broken when reopened.

    see a screencast here:

    thanks for your patient and ongoing support.



    a) I can’t see the issue on my end. Scrolling is working fine for me. Maybe it’s a computer related? you are using high quality images (quite big with high resolution), which might cause it on your end.

    b) I checked your slideshow and it is working as expected for me. I can’t reproduce the issue. Could you check on another computer as well please? Deactivate all plugins while testing and clear browser cache before hard refreshing a few times.



    thanks for your reply!

    I don’t know what to say, but…

    a) this happens on all kinds of different machines (mostly mac but also windows bootcamp) and all kinds of browsers. The skipping takes place exactly at the point of the scrolling when a color section comes into view. as if it was trying to match the screen size or something. I know the images are quite big, but this is not un-smooth scrolling due to load it’s obviously jumpy at exact points on the site (e.g. color sections) and skips a few lines.

    b) we did some more testing cross platform and browser platform with all plugins disabled. and this really happens everywhere and always. when the slideshow doesn’t show and you resize the browser window a little bit sometimes the slideshow comes up again, but it’s not responding to clicks or anything anymore. also no auto-rotation. you can open the lightbox though by clicking on the image and browsing through the images in the lightbox seems to work. did you test this on windows? can you test on a mac?



    a) try to remove all custom CSS and check again. Try with a new color section and a much smaller image (optimized for web).

    b) try to build a new portfolio slideshow element on a new page and check if the issue is happening again for you. Sometimes the elements just need to be rebuild.

    Best regards,



    lets ignore the scrolling issue for the time being and see if it goes away once images and everything else is optimized.

    for the slideshow issue though I tried everything you suggested to no avail. what I found out though is that it seems to work fine on windows and android, but not on OSX and iOS. Is there anything special about how the slideshow modules are loaded/called on apple devices that makes them break? I haven’t found an iphone, ipad or mac yet where it works.

    thanks for your patience!



    I am on mac as well and it works fine for me (using Mac OS X 10.9.5).




    1. )

    1. open a project in the grid with ajax preview
    2. close the preview
    3. open the same project in preview again
    4. the slideshow doesn’t show anymore

    Slideshow Issue: I was able to reproduce the issue and I noticed that it is only happening on portfolio items with images that are not fully loaded yet. If you wait for a few seconds, the slideshow will turn up eventually. Maybe, if you can optimize the images then install a cache plugin then it will be fixed.

    2.) Scrolling Issues: The site is pretty smooth on chrome, windows 7 and 8. I’m pretty sure you’re experiencing the “lag” issue when you use the middle mouse scroll wheel. Note that if you use the scroll wheel, it will jump a few pixels (roughly 10px or 15px) up or down, creating a lag-like experience on any websites. If you try the actual scroll bar of the browser, you’ll see the difference. Try to check other websites with parallax effect, use the mouse scroll wheel versus the browser scrollbar. Example:



    hi ismael

    thank you for your reply.

    regarding the scrolling I see what you mean. I think I’m more or less OK with it.

    slideshow issue: I now optimized all images and reduced filesize as much as I’m willing to go without giving up too much quality. I also installed and configured W3T cache plugin. unfortunately nothing has changed. I was also not able to see the slideshow coming back up after waiting – even for a minute or more. as I said the blank space gets filled with a slideshow image as soon as you change the browser window size (even if it’s only slightly). I guess this forces a redraw. however the slideshow then doesn’t respond to any navigation commands (arrows or bullets). basically all that is there is a static image at that point. regarding the slideshow being fully loaded I’m not sure I understand. according to the developer tools the full slideshow gets loaded when I click on it in the grid (while the pre-load circle animation is shown). I cannot not see any additional data being loaded after that point. on a side note, auto-rotation also stops working most of the times when you go back to an already viewed portfolio item.

    is there anything we can do to get this work? force another method of loading the slideshows or any other magic? as it is now this feature seems really broken. It’s such a shame because other than that enfold really does everything we hoped for and that perfectly and convenient.

    sorry for being so persistent with this.



    not sure what you mean, as I can’ see what you write on your website. Your slideshow seems to work fine for me. Maybe it’s just a caching issue (caused by your caching plugin). Try to switch off caching, hard refresh a few times. Try to deactivate all other plugins as well.



    now, I’m confused. Ismael just advised to use a caching plugin to solve the problem. now I installed it and you say it may be the cause for the problem. obviously ismael was able to reproduce the issue. and the problem was there before I had any caching installed just the same.

    If you want i make a detailed screencast so we can be sure we are all talking about the same thing?



    caching plugin can be used to speed up your website, but can also cause other issues. A screencast showing what you mean would be very useful for us. Thanks!

    Best regards,


    here you go:

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by zerodi.


    try to delete all theme files completely via FTP before getting a fresh copy from your themeforest account. Seems to me that there are some corrupted files.




    – deleted the full theme folder via ftp
    – uploaded a fresh copy of the theme from themeforest via ftp
    – nothing has changed

    what I found out though: the problem only occurs when you DON’T interact with the slideshow before closing the ajax preview (either arrows or bullets). if you DO interact though (meaning click any of the buttons on the slideshow before closing the window again) the slideshow seems to work as intended at least according to my limited tests. even after closing and opening the ajax preview window multiple times. maybe that helps isolating the problem with this persistent little sucker of a bug?

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by zerodi.


    I can see the first issue only on your website. Autorotation is always working fine for me on your slider. I created shortcodes of your page and implemented them into my own installation. It does not happen for me and everything works as expected. Something must cause it on your end and it could be 100 different things. Try to deactivate all plugins to see if one is causing this problem. If we can’t reproduce the issue, we can’t do much.

    Best regards,


    ok, i’m getting a little frustrated with this. I now installed wordpress locally, completely fresh, no plugins. installed enfold directly from themeforest. created a blank page and added a simple portfolio grid like the one on our page. now created some random portfolios with some images and populated the grid. guess what. the exactly same thing happens. for some reason the slideshow sometimes survives the first close/open but breaks eventually.

    So I went ahead and tried your online demo of the ajax portfolio at I can even reproduce it there. See for yourself:


    So I really doubt this has to do with my installation. Can we finally agree on that? I’d be really happy if you’d admit that there’s some kind of bug with the functionality here. Please don’t get me wrong I’m not expecting you to work miracles and bugs happen, I do understand that, but giving me the impression that me and a lot of other people that were able to reproduce the issue are imagining things makes me a little uncomfortable. We really tried hard and patiently to show you the issue with illustrations and screencast and so far you only denied the issue. Even Ismael was able to reproduce it.

    I was really satisfied with the speed and quality of enfold support so far, but please tell me something else than this a user error because obviously it’s not.



    I am not saying you are imagining anything. I am 100% sure that it is happening for you (you even proofed it via screencasts) and thank you a lot for your effort. It is just difficult for me because I can’t reproduce the issue on my own installation. It just does not happen for me.
    I checked and it is working totally fine for me … Which OS and browser are you using? are you already using a caching plugin as Ismael suggested?


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by Andy.

    The issue on your demo ( happens on OS X (Safari, Firefox, Chromium) & Ipad (Safari). It seems to work fine on my Android Nexus though. That’s all I had available to test for now. All browsers without plugins. Tested on multiple machines in multiple countries by multiple people. I don’t know what else to tell you? This has nothing to do with my setup or even my machine. It’s your demo doing it too, and not just for me.

    Update: A co-worker just sent me this screencast from all around the globe. This is with a completely fresh install of windows 10 and an untouched edge browser installation:

    If you do exactly as it shows in the screencast I cannot believe that it’s not happening on your side. It just happen for everyone I ask to try.



    don’t know what to say, it’s just not happening for me. I made a screencast for you:

    I told the whole team (working around the globe) to check and will let you know about their result soon.

    EDIT: Which version of OS X are you using? and which browser versions?


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by Andy.


    thanks for being patient with this. It’s a complete mystery to me what’s going on here. I hope I didn’t come across as snappy in my last posts. It’s just so frustrating and we are already extremely delayed with our launch and this is pretty much the only thing that keeps us from going live very soon.

    I’m curious to hear what the others on your team will have to report.



    so I asked the whole team and even Kriesi checked himself. None of us could reproduce the issue. We tried different browsers (even Windows Edge), different devices and different OS.
    I hope you can fix it on your end soon.



    hello andy,

    thanks for trying. however I guess we have to agree that we disagree. I involved another 20 people in a short test that we did with our freelancers. the bug is 100% reproducible for everyone on our page as well as your demo. I’m very disappointed with this outcome, but I give up and bite the bullet.

    very sad to go live with a bug so obviously and being unable to get support or a fix for it. not good advertising for your theme as well. together with the not so smooth scrolling behavior (to say politely) in firefox and safari, randomly dislocated images in color sections and other minor flaws enfold is not the praised 5-star theme I thought I was buying. I wish I had read websitegurus comment on themeforest from 3 days ago earlier. He nailed the way I feel about enfold.


    Hi zerodi!

    I am not sure how it is possible that you have 20 people who can easily reproduce the issue and no one in our whole team can’t. I am afraid we also have no reports whatsoever about this issue from any other of our customers. As you have probably read my response to websitegurus as well you know that we keep track of these issues. If other users come along and report the issue and give us more hints on how to reproduce the problem we will fix it if we can.

    Until then I don’t see a way for us to help you. It would probably help if you tell us the exact version of the browsers you are using and the exact OS numbers as well. Browser plugins might help as well. Since other people you know can reproduce this as well the chance is low that this is the root of the problem (since I don’t think you are all using the same settings/browser/os versions) but it might help us to try and replicate the problem if we try on a setup as close as possible to yours.

    Sorry for the bad news here :/

    ps: was just thinking: you could also run the portfolio website and open the chrome browser console ( and check if a javascript error is thrown on your browser.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by Kriesi.

    I am not sure how it is possible that you have 20 people who can easily reproduce the issue and no one in our whole team can’t.

    see, that’s exactly the problem we are having. from my point of view it looks like: how is it possible that I can ask a random guy on the street with a random device and replicate the issue every single time no matter what device, browser or OS and your whole team of developers are the only people in the world that seem to be immune. and also Ismael already once confirmed the issue in this thread but was never seen again.

    ps: was just thinking: you could also run the portfolio website and open the chrome browser console ( and check if a javascript error is thrown on your browser.

    I already tried that but was not able to find any javascript or other errors.

    It would probably help if you tell us the exact version of the browsers you are using and the exact OS numbers as well. Browser plugins might help as well. Since other people you know can reproduce this as well the chance is low that this is the root of the problem but it might help us to try and replicate the problem if we try on a setup as close as possible to yours.

    I already offered to do a skype, hangouts, facetime or whatever chat with screensharing to walk you through the steps to make this bug appear, but never received a reply to that. I’d still be willing to do this.

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