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  • #522618

    When viewed on a mobile device – the sample schedule table shows the html markup and the formatting of the table gets all weird.


    Hi ewingmh!

    May we have temporary access to your website so we can take a closer look?



    see below

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by ewingmh.


    try to deactivate all plugins to see if things get better for you. Let us know about your results.



    I only have 3 plugins installed at the moment. All 3 deactivated and the same error occurs.


    beuller? Also, please do not add dummy Testing navigation items and then leave them there… this website is live. Not cool…

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by ewingmh.

    So the answer was this:
    I had this in my CSS to show the table heading row on mobile devices (not sure why you choose to hide it by default):
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .responsive .avia_responsive_table .avia-data-table .avia-button-row, .responsive .avia_responsive_table .avia-data-table tr:first-child th {
    display: block;

    Which, when using two centered text columns with the only text in the heading row entered into the left column, forces the description to show up at the top of BOTH rows further down the table. BUG. This could all be resolved by allowing for COLSPAN for heading rows.

    AGAIN, when given admin credentials don’t make changes without telling the client.. especially when you leave them for my client to discover… bad form.



    Thanks for the feedback, what changes were made to your site that we did not inform you about?

    Best regards,


    Someone on your team added a menu item labeled “Testing” and left it there for my client to find…



    Are you sure that was us, not sure what the point would be to add items to navigation when editing a table?


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