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  • #1431911

    Hi there, I am trying to format a text using tables.
    See here:

    At the top is the table version
    below is a normal text box version but the text overflows.
    I would like the first column of the table version to be more narrow. Where can I specify this? Where can i set colums width? The setting option in the backend are a bit limited. Please send css.

    Thanks you.


    Hey ausgesonnen,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    I would like the first column of the table version to be more narrow.

    The width of the table columns automatically adjusts based on the number of columns and the length of the content. If you need to manually adjust the width of the first column, you can add this css code.

    .av-hriqo-df64f73a2229a5a484cc56fae9caca2e table tr th {
        width: 30%;

    Best regards,


    Ok great. I need to style the table further but from inspecting the code, I really cannot work out how to add the correct names for the styles :(
    Can you please help me and send CSS for the following
    1. no borders
    2. second column has white not no grey background
    3. font sizes bigger, both 16px
    4. font in first column is blue
    5. all fonts in cells align left



    Try this CSS in your Enfold Theme Options ▸ General Styling ▸ Quick CSS field: #main .main_color .avia-data-table * {
    	border: none;
    	background-color: #fff;
    	font-size: 18px;
    	text-align: left;
    } .main_color .avia-data-table.avia_pricing_minimal th {
        color: #009bdd;
        width: 10%;

    Best regards,


    Ok, that looks better now on Desktop. On mobile however it is still a mess. The dates show double, there should not be a border around it, the dates should display in one line. Can you please also send the css handler for that?

    Also – how can I address the font color in the right column.

    Thank you.



    Thank you for the update.

    You can add this css code to adjust the width of the date container, and remove the duplicate date above the description. .av-hriqo-df64f73a2229a5a484cc56fae9caca2e .avia-data-table * {
        width: 100%;
    } .av-hriqo-df64f73a2229a5a484cc56fae9caca2e .avia-data-table td:before {
        display: none;

    Best regards,


    Your new code has removed the double dates but the other issues are still the same.

    Please send adjusted css for mobile version to:
    1. remove the border from around the table
    2. set the years in one line
    3. the color of the year to blue
    4. decrease padding

    thank you.



    Your new code has removed the double dates but the other issues are still the same.

    The following css code should address the requests mentioned above.

    /* remove the border from around the table */
    #top .av-82qhko-49fd44439e70710ba9259a5b8656603c .avia-data-table {
        border: 0;
    /* set the years in one line, the color of the year to blue */
    #top .av-82qhko-49fd44439e70710ba9259a5b8656603c .avia-data-table .avia-desc-col {
        width: 100% !important;
        color: blue !important;
    /* decrease padding cell padding */
    #top .av-82qhko-49fd44439e70710ba9259a5b8656603c .avia-data-table tr, #top .av-82qhko-49fd44439e70710ba9259a5b8656603c .avia-data-table th, #top .av-82qhko-49fd44439e70710ba9259a5b8656603c .avia-data-table td {
        padding: 0;

    Best regards,


    LOL – now the double dates are back Lol.

    1. The same again please without the double dates.
    2. the tables below are still with border. please send teh css handler to do the same to them as to the table above.




    Did you remove the previous css code? Please keep the previous css code then add the latest modification.

    Best regards,


    Yes I kept the previous code as well. It still doesn’t work. The other tables probably have also very long individual handlers ?


    Also, your new code you sent has destroyed the layout in the Desktop view. Aren’t you checking the code before you are sending it out? This is getting quite frustrating.
    Generally I am noticing, that the answers that are coming from Ismael are often not working or he is stalling for time, saying he doesn’t understand the question.
    Could somebody else please see what is going on with these tables? It should be something quite simple for you I suppose? For me unfortunately it is not which is why I opted to pay for this service. Time is running out and this issue needs to be solved asap.

    thank you.



    Also, your new code you sent has destroyed the layout in the Desktop view.

    Did you add this css code?

    div .avia-table {
        background: transparent;
        width: 100%;
        clear: both;
        margin: 30px 0;
        table-layout: fixed;

    If you didn’t add it, please include this css code to override the default style. Or post the login details in the private field so that we can add the modifications for you.

    div .avia-table {
    table-layout: auto;

    Aren’t you checking the code before you are sending it out? This is getting quite frustrating.

    Yes, we always check the modifications before sending it out to the users. The table seems to be displaying as it should when we checked the site on mobile view. Please check the screenshot in the private field.

    I will tag the rest of the team so that they can check the modifications.

    Best regards,


    So you think that the screenshot is the right display? Did I understand you correctly? Are you drunk? Don’t you see the double dates i have been talking about now for 3 weeks?


    I will open a new ticket now.


    I have replied to your new thread, please check.

    Best regards,

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