I bought Enfold a few days ago, it’s a very nice theme!
I want to style a specific table.
How can i change the default settings like:
– background color
– i want to change the color of the 2nd, 4th etc row also
– i want the same font type and size (12px) for the whole table
– i want the same padding and margin for all cells (5px)
I tried to add an id to the table, and add “quick CSS” but its not working.
To alter the styles:
/* This will make the table red */
.wpcf7 table {
background: red !important;
/* This will make the second row blue */
.wpcf7 table tr:nth-child(2){
background: blue !important;
/* This will make the forth row orange */
.wpcf7 table tr:nth-child(4){
background: orange !important;
/* This will set a padding of 5px for all the table cells */
.wpcf7 table td{
padding: 5px;
.wpcf7 table *{
font-size: 12px; /* This will set a 12px font size */
font-family: serif; /* This will set the font-family to serif */
background: transparent !important;
Regarding making it responsive, that won’t be possible using conventional tables, however you could use Advanced Layout Builder tables for that.