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  • #1278080

    I’m using the TOC – Table of Contents widget inside a side bar for my site.

    The widget consists of these settings: I’ve populated my current settings in bold.

    • Title field: Table of Contents
    • Exclude headlines by class: woocommerce-loop-product__title
    • (provide a classname without a dot)
    • Select headlines to include: H1, H2 and H3 selected
    • Display On Single Blog Posts only (checkbox): Un-checked
    • Hierarchy Indentation (checkbox): Checked
    • Enable Smooth Scrolling (checkbox): Checked

    I have set the TOC settings to show for the required H-tags and populated a SINGLE class to exclude headings/headlines from the toc.

    I would like to set multiple classes in the Exclude headlines by class, how can I achieve this?

    Basically, there’s not enough flexibility with the current single class, in order for me to exclude other headings/headlines from other plugins for example, such as newsletter titles appearing in the TOC, etc. and its not possible to hide certain H-tags and achieve this with a single class only.

    I would appreciate any assistance or pointers where I might change the code to allow for multiple class exclusions in TOC.

    • This topic was modified 4 years ago by stop0bit.

    Hey stop0bit,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    I would like to set multiple classes in the Exclude headlines by class, how can I achieve this?

    This is not possible right now because the script uses the hasClass function, which can only check for a single class name. The code for this is in the enfold\js\avia-snippet-widget.js file around line 44.

                   if (!$(this).hasClass('av-no-toc') && !$(this).hasClass($excludeclass) && !$(this).parent().hasClass($excludeclass)) {
                        var $list_tag = '<a href="#' + $h_id + '" class="avia-toc-link avia-toc-level-' + $pos + '"><span>' + $txt + '</span></a>';

    You may need to find a different way to add the “av-no-toc” class name for other headings that you want to exclude.

    Best regards,


    So, I could re-right this javascript and place it in my child theme? Then provide some code in the child function.php to load the this specific modified javascript file from the child theme?

    Something like this maybe?

    function wp_change_aviasnippetwidgetjs() {
    	wp_dequeue_script('avia-default', get_template_directory().'/js/avia-snippet-widget.js', array('jquery'));
    	wp_deregister_script('avia-default', get_template_directory().'/js/avia-snippet-widget.js', array('jquery'));
    	wp_enqueue_script('avia-default', get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/js/avia-snippet-widget.js', array('jquery'));
    	add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wp_change_aviajssnippetwidget', 100 );

    Would that work?



    Thank you for the update.

    Yes, that should work. Only thing is the script handle, the actual name of that script is “avia-widget-js”, avia-default is already taken and is attached to the js > avia.js file.

    Best regards,


    Thanks, got it working.

    Steps taken to achieve this were:

    Create this file in child theme child-theme/php/Utils.php

    namespace SHEilds;
    class Utils
         * Counts the number of active widget areas (widget areas that got a widget inside them are considered active)
         * @return int $count
        public static function get_active_widget_count()
    		global $_wp_sidebars_widgets;
    		$count = 0;
    		foreach($_wp_sidebars_widgets as $widget_area => $widgets)
    			if($widget_area == 'wp_inactive_widgets' || $widget_area == 'array_version')
    		return $count;

    Then copied /js/avia-snippet-widget.js to my child them directory and made code changes to allow for multiple classes to exclude. The code changes were not large, but hard to show to code difference here.

    Then Updated child theme functions.php

    use SHEilds\Utils as SHEildsUtils;
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wp_change_aviajs', 100 );
    function wp_change_aviajs()
    	$widget_count = SHEildsUtils::get_active_widget_count();
    	if ($widget_count)
    			get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/js/avia-snippet-widget.js',



    Hi stop0bit,

    Glad you got it working for you and thank you for sharing! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,

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