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  • #1013095

    Hi there,

    I would like to give a client the possibility to use the table element/shortcode for their technical specifications of a product. This shortcode seems perfect for this BUT there is a big problem: if they use the “smaller” sign (in this case Exposure time: < 10 ms) the whole table gets destroyed.
    If one uses the < workaround (not really user/client friendly!) it works fine but if you open up the table again for editing, it is parsed again as < which kills the table again…

    Thank you


    Hey 48design,

    Try adding this php code at the bottom of your functions.php:

    function less_than() {
    	return "<";
    add_shortcode( 'lt', 'less_than' );

    Then try to replace < sign with [lt]

    This should convert all [lt] with the < on the frontend. Hope this helps. Best regards, Nikko

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Nikko.

    Thanks but I don’t think adding a shortcode can be called a fix. This content can be edited by the client and he will likely copy and paste the information… shouldn’t this be possible to be handled inside Enfold’s code? If I use this character inside a regular text shortcode there is no problem!



    Hi 48design,

    I agree, what I provided was a temporary workaround on how you can still use the less than symbol inside the table without breaking it.
    I have already reported this bug to Kriesi and our devs and they should be able to check on this issue and fix it after they are done with some other tasks which are urgent.
    If a fix will be released, the next patch should fix this issue. Hope you’ll be patient enough to wait for it, for the meantime please use the workaround we provided.

    Best regards,

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