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  • #1402007

    Hey There

    I want to build a custom Table for my client and i have two Challenges:

    1. The first field is still white, but it should be transparent.

    2. I need a color-Code for the courses of this fitness studio
    For Example: Dot/Circle-Icon in the fields. Each Course should have a different coloured Dot next to it.
    Under the Table I will write an overview with a legend with more informations about the Course.

    2b: If its not possible to put an icon with a specific color in the Fields: can I also change the different field-colors?
    I need some kind of Changing Colors for each course.

    Thank you!

    This ist the Css:



    .main_color table, .main_color table tbody, .main_color table tr, .main_color table td {

    background-color: transparent !important;
    border: 3px solid black!important;

    /* Alternate row color */
    #top .avia-table tr:nth-child(even)
    { color: black !important;


    ps: a few of the courses will be longer, so I would need to delete the horizontal Line between. Is this also possible?

    Or should I use a plugin for a Timetable? I just need a very simple one and couldnt find one thats not too complicated. Perhaps you can help?


    Hi Monika,

    1. You can add this CSS code:

    .main_color .avia-data-table .avia-heading-row .avia-desc-col {
        background-color: transparent;

    2. You can change the color via this CSS code (this CSS code is for the 2nd column) just change the color as you see fit:

    .page-id-752 #av_section_2 .avia-table tr > th:nth-child(2), 
    .page-id-752 #av_section_2 .avia-table tr > td:nth-child(2) {
        color: blue !important;

    For the 3rd column just copy the same code and replace nth-child(2) to nth-child(3) and change the color as well.
    For the 4th column and so on, just repeat the same and replace the number.
    I hope this helps.

    Best regards,

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