I created a table in html and would like to enter the page using the “Code Block”, but when I view the table, the visual parameters are being changed.
For example, cell background color and padding.
How do I keep the visual parameters of the table?
Are there any CSS code for this?
Thanks in advance.
Hey jaldesign,
A link to view the table in question would be useful to us.
Hey Rikard,
I tested two ways table:
1- Using the element “Text Block” by inserting the html table.
2 Using the element “Code Block” iserindo the html table.
Both did not work.
The idea of using the element “text block” is the reason of the table visually appear in wordpress and so have a more simple and easy editing.
All this because I have not found an editable element with this table structure:
<th colspan=”2″ scope=”col”>TITLE</th>
<td rowspan=”4″>image</td>
Note: the table contains background colors, padding and font-size direntes.
Thank you.
The table styles of the theme is being applied on the custom table. How would you like the table to appear? You can add inline styling or we can override the default theme styling in the Quick CSS field. A screenshot will help.
Best regards,