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  • #549743

    Hi !
    I’m working with the Avia Builder on this project.
    I need to have a table inside an accordeon.
    I created the table by switching back to standard editor, created the table and copied/pasted the shortcode into the accordeon.
    That worked fine so far !

    Actually the table is an agenda of a meeting.
    Left column is the starting time of a topic.

    As you can see here: in Accordeon toggle “Agenda” the left column is too small and so it wraps the tome into two lines …

    Now I need help to adjust the left column in a way, that the time is just inside 1 row !
    That means I need to make the left colum a bit widther …

    Thanks in advance for you rhelp!

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    • This topic was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by ideenstart.

    BTW: This is the shortcode I used to create the table:

    [av_table purpose='tabular' pricing_table_design='avia_pricing_default' pricing_hidden_cells='' caption='' responsive_styling='avia_responsive_table'] [av_row row_style=''][av_cell col_style='']09:00 Uhr[/av_cell][av_cell col_style='']Anmeldung der Teilnehmer/Frühstück[/av_cell][/av_row] [av_row row_style=''][av_cell col_style='']09:30 Uhr[/av_cell][av_cell col_style='']Begrüßung und Einführung durch den Moderator Arne Lauterbach, Experte für Integrierte Lösungen rund um vernetzte Brandschutz-, Lösch- und Sicherheitssysteme, Tyco Integrated Fire & Security[/av_cell][/av_row] [av_row row_style=''][av_cell col_style='']09:45 Uhr[/av_cell][av_cell col_style='']Vortrag 1: Was kommt nach ISDN? Herausforderungen für die Sicherheitstechnik durch neue IP-basierende Verbindungswege
    Referent: Karl-Olaf Kaiser, Dipl.- Ing. der Sicherheitstechnik,
    Kaiser Brandschutzseminare [/av_cell][/av_row] [av_row row_style=''][av_cell col_style='']10:30 Uhr[/av_cell][av_cell col_style='']Vortrag 2: Kompensationsmöglichkeiten durch anlagentechnischen Brandschutz in Pflegeeinrichtungen – Alternative Möglichkeiten zur Erfüllung der gesetzlichen Forderungen aus Baurecht (MBO) sowie Wohn- und Teilhabegesetz (WTG)
    Referent: Olaf Schilloks, Produkt Manager Wasserlöschen,
    Tyco Integrated Fire & Security [/av_cell][/av_row] [av_row row_style=''][av_cell col_style='']11:15 Uhr[/av_cell][av_cell col_style='']Kaffeepause und Besuch der Expert Corner[/av_cell][/av_row] [av_row row_style=''][av_cell col_style='']11:45 Uhr[/av_cell][av_cell col_style='']Vortrag 3: Integrierte Lösungen in der Pflegekommunikation – Personal und Patienten sicher vernetzen
    Referent: Arne Lauterbach, Sales Manager,
    Tyco Integrated Fire & Security[/av_cell][/av_row] [av_row row_style=''][av_cell col_style='']12:30 Uhr[/av_cell][av_cell col_style='']Vortrag 4: Lösungskonzepte für den Schutz von Rechenzentren und Serverräumen – Anforderungen, Risiken und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten
    Referent: Janine Taskan, Key Account Manager,
    Tyco Integrated Fire & Security [/av_cell][/av_row] [av_row row_style=''][av_cell col_style='']13:15 Uhr[/av_cell][av_cell col_style='']Diskussionsrunde im Plenum[/av_cell][/av_row] [av_row row_style=''][av_cell col_style='']13:30 Uhr[/av_cell][av_cell col_style='']60 Minuten Mittagessen und Gelegenheit zum Austausch mit den Referenten[/av_cell][/av_row] [/av_table]
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by ideenstart.

    I’ve found a small workaround for my problem with writing the time like this:

    09:455 Uhr

    That way the time stays in 1 row …
    But this is just a “hotfix” ;-)
    Is there any other way to change the column width?



    not sure what you want to achieve, because your time column is on one row only for me. It looks good to me and I can’t see any issue. However, adjust width with this code in Quick CSS field:

    td {
    padding-left: 4px;
    padding-right: 4px;



    Hi Andy !

    No I don’t want to change the padding !

    See here what I want:




    You can try this in the Quick CSS field:

    tr td:first-child {
        min-width: 200px;

    Adjust the value as needed. You can apply a custom css class to the table shortcode if you only want this style for this specific table.


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