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  • #712578


    I have tables created in Excel that I need to copy over to a page. The tables aren’t set up so that I can import them into the table widget, etc. I created a layout element, added in a text element for content, then I pasted the tables into place and when I’m in edit mode in Avia advanced layout, the tables look perfect. When I hit preview or publish, excessive padding is added to the tables that cannot be adjusted even with additional HTML coding, so my guess is that there is some sort of table padding default in place.

    How can I modify table row/cell padding? I have about 60 of these to paste into place.

    Thank you


    Hi mascokristina!

    Can you please share us your URL, so we can give it a look and see how we can help?

    Thanks a lot




    There is considerable spacing in the table that is not added by the code, nor is it visible when you are in edit mode of layout builder. I’ve tried adding HTML code to set the height of the cells and thats not working.

    This is the HTML text I have in the text cell:
    <table width=”303″ cellpadding=”0″>
    <td colspan=”3″ width=”303″>2003 VALLEY JR WARRIOR ELITES</td>
    <td style=”height: 5px;”>1</td>
    <td style=”height: 5px;”>GAVIN</td>
    <td style=”height: 5px;”>KILEY</td>
    ETC UNTIL ALL THE ROWS ARE COMPLETE – the Extra 5px code was to test if that made a difference in height, it does not

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by mascokristina.

    Not sure why it isn’t working to show the link…


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by mascokristina.


    This is the default CSS applied, please add it to Quick CSS and adjust to your liking. 9 is top/bottom and 12 is right/left:

    td {
        padding: 9px 12px;

    Best regards,


    Perfect. Thank you. Your support is amazing.



    Thanks for the kind words and glad we could help :-)

    Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic.

    Best regards,

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