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  • #283239

    When the table is resized the first header drops out and all the rows are messed up under wrong headers. I’ve seen already some old bug reports on this forum about this issue but I’ve the last version of Enfold so I don’t understand why they’re still showing up.



    Try using this settings on your table:

    Best regards,


    Ok I see but this is not what I was looking for. It looks horrible in mobiles. I think the mobile adaptation of tables is buggy and should be fixed… Am I wrong?



    That’s why you have the option to make it scrollable, which preserves the table basic functionality. We are aware that there is room for improvement though.



    Ok, I see.
    It’s just that I think the collapsing behaviour is just.. buggy :). The first header is lost and the others overlap! Hope to receive updates about that.

    Thanks anyway. :)

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