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  • #787852


    thank you for a great theme and awesome work!

    I’ve encountered a mysterious termination of the main content container element.

    Please have a look at Ref1. After the tab section, the whole content breaks in responsive mode. Looking at the source, there are a bunch of extra </div> elements:

        <!-- close content main div -->

    Ref2 displays this correctly. I cannot figure out what causes this. It goes away when I remove the tab section. At first I thought it was something to do with a Code Block maybe having an extra div, but then the comment <!-- close content main div --> would appear somewhere too which means it must be generated.

    Thanks for having a look!


    Hey Sebastian,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look.

    Best regards,


    I’ve given you access to the test site where problem also occurs.


    Hi boethius,

    Could you please post us a few screen shots of the problem? The looks, not the html, I’ve checked html, looks fine. The menu that stays at the middle of the page and all the notices, they really make it difficult to investigate.

    Best regards,


    Please see the attached screenshot. I’ve also turned off notices now, let me know if you need them on again for debugging.


    Hi boethius,

    As you can see on the screenshots in private, it looks ok now. I would make the icons smaller though.

    @media only screen and (max-width: 350px) {
        .av-catalogue-image {
          width: 40px;
          margin-right: 20px;

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria

    Thank you, but this problem is not occurring on the other languages on the site, even though the same tab section is used. So a CSS patch won’t help in this case. Also, if you look at the other languages it doesn’t even come close to fixing it. Again, if you look at the source code, and analyze it using an HTML validator, you will see that there are two extra </div> terminating tags right after the tab section. If you remove the tab section, you don’t need CSS patches.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by boethius.

    Hi, sorry to step in, but : I encounter the exact same behavior with any section elements, be it color-section, grid-line, tab-section.
    I believe the problem is located near the top of the “avia_new_section” function (config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/section.php). The way the variable $close is set.

    Edit: I think I got it to work. The trick is that if there’s at least one section element in the page, everything else has to be encapsulated inside section elements.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by grizzlydev.

    Hi boethius,

    Which plugin are you using for translations and which is the original language of the page?
    I was not able to reproduce the way it looks on your original screenshot.

    Best regards,


    Hi grizzlydev,

    Please start a separate thread to avoid confusion. There, please describe your issue and give us a link to your website.

    Best regards,


    Hi again @Victoria

    I looked at @grizzlydev’s suggestion as well, and it appears to be in the parameters that are being sent to the avia_new_sections function, where $close is being set to true for some reason.

    I’m using WPML to translate. The original language is english.

    Steps to reproduce:
    1. Edit the front page in German
    2. Remove the tab section
    3. Publish
    – Notice how the content below is now showing correctly and there are no extra </div> tags
    4. Edit same front page
    5. Add a tab section with content in the same place as before
    6. Publish
    – The </div> tags are back, even though the content is different.

    Thank you for replying.

    Kind regards,



    Please contact WPML team and they will be able to provide the informations required.
    They will also point out if the issue is on our side and they will be able to point us the problem and Kriesi will apply any fixes, if so.

    Best regards,


    @Basilis, I’ve contacted the WPML team: https://wpml.org/forums/topic/strange-behavior-in-theme-enfold-tab-sections/. I will post updates here if there are relevant findings to Enfold.



    We appreciate for keeping us updated.
    Thank u

    Best regards,


    @basilis,@victoria, @grizzlydev

    An update: The issue is reproducible if you set any tabbed page in german to the default home page. If you unset it as homepage, the tabs work properly again.

    Let me know if you need assistance reproducing this!



    There is a simillar issue to that, that Kriesi is already trying to identify,
    We do appreciate your patience a lot!

    Best regards,



    I wanted to update that this is still an issue. We have figured out a workaround, and a way to reproduce the issue. It’s extremely labor-intensive to even update the page as every time we add something, it breaks. We would really appreciate some effort in resolving this soon.

    Workaround Steps (try this with http://stage.paymash.com/de/)
    1. Save entire page as template
    2. Delete the page entierely
    3. Create new page and reapply template
    4. (For homepage, re-add as front page and apply translations)

    1. Open Front Page in German
    2. Add any element
    3. Publish

    Kind regards



    Thank you for the clear explanation.
    I am forwarding exactly like that to our developers.

    Best regards,


    Hi @basilis

    Any update as to where you are with this? This is a really cumbersome way to use Enfold otherwise.

    Thanks for quick update!

    Kind regards,




    Thank you for the update. We are aware of the issue and it is under investigation. One solution is to move all elements or set of elements inside their own color section. Or try to modify the enfold > config-templatebuilder > avia-template-builder > php > template-builder.class.php file, look for this code around line 515.

    $_POST['content'] = ShortcodeHelper::clean_up_shortcode($_POST['content']);

    .. replace it with:

    if( ! empty( $_POST['_aviaLayoutBuilderCleanData'] ) )
     						$_POST['content'] = ShortcodeHelper::clean_up_shortcode( $_POST['_aviaLayoutBuilderCleanData'] );
     						$_POST['content'] = ShortcodeHelper::clean_up_shortcode( $_POST['content'] );

    Edit the page again, toggle a few options or add another element then update.

    Best regards,


    Hi @ismael

    This is still occuring. I’ve made a video to further illustrate the extra </div> tags that are being injected:


    Best regards,




    Thank you for the update.

    Did you modify the file as previously suggested? Or try the following script.

    // https://kriesi.at/support/topic/grid-rows-arent-responsive/#post-756803

    Best regards,


    Hi @Ismael

    Thank you for your reply.

    I will try the above java-script as it essentially does what I do in the video, but that can’t be the actual solution, to go and reorder the elements past render?

    A modification is already in place, but that’s the code you pushed in 4.1.2 with isset instead of your suggested !empty above?

    Best regards,




    that can’t be the actual solution, to go and reorder the elements past render?

    Yes, that’s a temporary solution until we find a final patch for the issue. Unfortunately, the issue is quite random and we can’t figure out what’s causing it.

    Best regards,


    Hi @ismael

    We did this JS workaround, you also need to add .container_wrap.footer_color to the children.

    But, this is not a solution. There is an example on the German staging page, and the source in private.



    But, this is not a solution. There is an example on the German staging page, and the source in private.

    Did the script work? Like I said, the issue is quite random and it rarely happens on an installation so we can’t find what’s causing it. The patch on (#post-814228) has been included in the upcoming version of the theme but if it’s not working, try to re-create the page from scratch then translate it again.

    // https://kriesi.at/support/topic/tab-section-terminates-main/#post-814228

    Best regards,


    Hi @ismael

    Thanks for the reply. As I said, the JS script fixed the issue, but it was incomplete as it didn’t add all the containers. I amended it.

    We’ve recreated the page several times from scratch, and the issue kept reoccurring. So if you mean there should be a fix in the _new_ version of Enfold that has not been released yet? Then we can make another attempt, if it generates different short codes. Again, the problem isn’t just on this page, we have no idea where else it could be occurring, and it’s a bigger site potentially affecting multiple pages.

    I uploaded the source to the post where this is occurring. Can you please check it to see if there are old shortcodes in it that would cause this issue. If not, then why would we rebuild the page and expect a different result every time?

    Best regards,




    The markup of that page looks correct. The sections, footer and socket are inside the main container as expected. I didn’t find the script either. Are you sure that this is the page with the issue? ( see private field )

    Best regards,

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