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  • #940831

    Please visit the follow link (look at the private content)
    I use a tab section with two tabs.
    Each tab contain a google map with POIs and Polylines.
    When I visit the link with my mobile I see that there is a swipe (gesture) event to switch tabs left and right.
    I need to use the gestures for my maps inside the tabs, so is it possible to remove the swipe gesture of the Tab Section?

    thank you in advance


    Hey spapax,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Yes, this is possible but you need to modify the js > shortcodes.js file. Remove or comment out this code around line 2796.

    content_wrap.avia_swipe_trigger({prev:'.av_prev_tab_section', next:'.av_next_tab_section'});

    Please remove browser cache or do a hard refresh prior to checking the page.

    Best regards,


    Great! thank you



    Glad we could help. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,


    Hello, I’d like to disable swipe on mobile as well for map embed purposes. I don’t see that code in the file you referenced above. Please advise:
    content_wrap.avia_swipe_trigger({prev:’.av_prev_tab_section’, next:’.av_next_tab_section’});



    As this is a really old topic – please do create a new ticket so we can be able to handle.

    Best regards,

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