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  • #1128906

    I have the same problem as some others that the tab Section icon location cannot switched between above or below.
    As I red in some threats this happens in the German setup (which I am using) and works fine in English.

    Is there a temporay solution to fix this issue or a valid work around?

    Regards, Michael


    Hey Michael,

    Could you post a link to where we can see the problem in question and try to explain a bit further please?

    Best regards,



    I’ve create a test page where you can see the problem. See private Content.

    The 3 Tab Icons are below the tab section content.

    As I understood from other threats, it only happens in German. The tab-section property “position” only shows “postion left”.
    I belive it shold show “below” and “above” or someting simililar in German.

    Anyhow, please advice how to put the Icons above the tab section details.

    Regards, Michael



    Thank you for the update.

    Did you set the Settings > General > Site Language to “Deutsch (Sie)”? Please try to set it to Deutsch. Or install the following plugin, search for the “Display Tabs above content” and “Display Tabs below content” text, then apply the translation manually.


    Best regards,



    switching from Deutsch(Sie) to Deutsch solved the problem.

    Thank you for your support!

    Regards, Michael



    Thank you for the update.

    Best regards,

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