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  • #893515

    Hi there,

    I am using the tab section in enfold. My problem is that my images (or if I change the order my content) has a different responsive behavior as in your demo:

    At the moment I have on the left side text and on the right side an image. When I resize the Browser the image doesnt shrink but rather gets cut. If I reverse the order and put Text on the right the same happens to the text.

    I looked a bit into the code and this part

    .av-layout-tab-inner .container

    caught my attention. It seems to behave different in your demo than on my website. While you have a predefined space with padding that shrinks, on my website this part goes on the right side “beyond the screen”. Like a slider.
    I compared the code a bit but I couldnt spot any difference that would cause this behavior. Maybe you can point me into the right direction what I am missing.

    My Goal:
    I want to be able to put any content images and or texts in the tab section and on resizing the content should just shrink within the same row until it reaches the predefined breakpoints and eventually split into rows. Basically as in your demo.

    Thank you.


    Hey Jannis,

    Best regards,


    Hey Victoria,

    thank you. That actually would solve it. Unfortunately I need some kind of space to make the layout consistent. I will try other ways but at least I know that I caused it due to my own actions.

    Thank you.

    Case closed :-)



    Hi Jannis,

    Thanks for the feedback, please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic.

    Best regards,

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