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  • #644206

    Dear support team,

    I’m new with both Enfold and WordPress. It’s a great theme.

    I am using Enfold in a multisite setup and I have created a child theme. I activated this child theme in the Network management panel and I have activated it on all my multisites. I configured the child theme settings on one site and copied these settings to the other sites with the import/export function. So I know how to edit the child theme css.

    3 questions:

    1. I want these settings to be synced between the sites so when I change something on the main WordPress site, this will effect all (sub)sites.

    2. I also want to link the different sites to each other in the header of the website like is doing on its site (Prive, Zakelijk, Horizon Go, Entertainment). What is the best way to do this (where do I start) when the header decreases in vertical size while scrolling like my theme settings?

    3. Within the enfold theme it is also possible to give extra attention to one or more menu items via the menu styles. How can I edit the “Button Style Colored” ?

    Thanks for your support.

    – Patrick

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by tipict.


    1. Not possible to do that but one thing you could try is include the dynamic stylesheet of one of the sites (and dequeue the default one), you can do that via child theme functions.php:

    function change_dynamic_css() {
       wp_dequeue_style( 'avia-dynamic' );
       wp_enqueue_style( 'main-avia-dynamic', '_MAIN_SITE_/wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia/enfold_child.css', array(), '2', 'all' );
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'change_dynamic_css', 100 );

    That way, all sites will use the same dynamic stylesheet, however only Styling and layout options will be shared.

    2. You can use the Header Secondary option –

    3. What do you want to change exactly? we can provide you a custom CSS code.

    Best regards,

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