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  • #505019

    using latest version of Enfold, latest version of WP, few plugins
    I built a page using shortcodes and content. The default image editor (for moving the images, setting alignment, caption, etc.) did not work properly and moved the image from its original position when editing any of the image coding. I thought I’d try the Avia Builder to see if the image editor worked; it did not work better. When I switched back to the default WP editor, all content was gone.
    Don’t know if it matters, but some of the content uses the accordion shortcodes.


    Hey bdpardue!

    I’m not sure what you mean by “the default image editor did not work properly and moved the image from its original position when editing any of the image coding”.

    Can you take a screenshot and highlight what is going on so we can get a better idea? Your trying to change the image alignment but it’s not saving?

    Best regards,


    Sorry I was not clear.
    page content displays when it is being edited and saved using the WP default editor. IF I click the Advanced Layout Editor button, the content still displays. When I switch back to WP Default editor, the content is gone.



    Please turn on debugging mode –

    Best regards,


    I’ve added the code to the functions.php file



    Great! Now you should be able to see shortcodes on default editor.



    Okay. That does nothing to solve the problem. I can see the shortcodes in Text view in the editor. The problem is that switching between the from the builder editor to the defaultl editor deletes content.
    I’ve tried editing in Chrome and Firefox to see if it was a browser issues but same problem in both.

    A secondary problem is that editing an image caption, then updating it causes the image to move from within an accodion toggle to outside of that toggle or into another toggle.



    try to deactivate all plugins to see if one is causing this issue. If that does not help then maybe there are some corrupted theme files and in this case you need to delete all theme files via FTP before getting a fresh copy from your themeforest account. Make sure to use newest WordPress and theme versions.


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