Hi. The normal blog post has the featured image on top and then the headline underneath it.
What would I have t change to flip flop this? The Headline first and then the featured image underneath it.
Hey esemmel!
Thank you for using Enfold.
You can refer to this link: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/how-can-i-make-the-post-title-appear-above-the-featured-images-on-the-blog-page/
Best regards,
Hi. I used the solution of replacing the code in the loop-index.php
That worked great.
Then I took your code for shifting over the header and meta info
header.entry-content-header {
padding-left: 130px;
However, this shifts over the title and met info in the Post page and well as the blog page.
How can I indent the header on meta on the blog page only but leave them where they are on the individual post pages?
Try pre-fixing the CSS mods by the page ID of the blog page:
.page-id-xxx .header.entry-content-header {
padding-left: 130px;
Best regards,
Hi. It seems what I was looking at was the category pages. I will see if it works with the code above using the page id for each category.
Nope. the code doesnt work.
This code moved the titles over, but not the Meta Info.
.template-blog header.entry-content-header h2 {
padding-left: 130px;
I added code to change the headings on the individual post pages to h1 so this doesnt affect the headings on those pages.
Can we see what you have now on your site live? Customization isn’t in what support covers typically but we try and assist where possible.
Best regards,
HI, here’s a link to a page as an example: