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  • #1474209

    if this belongs to your belgium page – i can see the svg logo.
    First – even if the text in your svg is a common font (helvetica) it might be better to convert those letters to path.

    try it with: https://webers-testseite.de/logo-top.zip


    by the way: you are not forced to have the logo inside that logo container – you can overlap the header area:



    Thanks for helping out @guenni007. Did that answer your question Dirk Messiaen?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard
    Hi Guenni007


    I don’t know if you saw the logo on the header of my site or if you just saw the logo when clicking the link bu tI couldn’t see it. I still can’t when I use the logo I created.
    But when I use the logo you send me it displays just fine.
    How did you convert the svg file? What changed in de svg file so that it displays in the header?
    I’m using Inkscape now to create vector images. Used to use CorelDraw, but stranded at version X4. I’m fairly new to Inkscape.

    I will certainly test the logo overlap. I’ve seen this on other sites and what you put on your demo site is exactly what I wanted but couldn’t get it to overlap. It displayed for a split second overlapped and then jumped back in the header.


    By the way – you can open svg files with good text editors. (Sublime Text on Mac – or Notepad++ on Windows)
    That’s a first hint. I opened your logo in Illustrator and created meaningful groups. I then edited these in Sublime Text. Above all, I renamed the standard Illustrator group names (manually) and assigned IDs to the groups.

    But unfortunately I’ll have to put you off until after Christmas – from now on I’ll be in off-duty mode.
    As I said, it’s always better for us who want to help to be able to analyze the page with the problems.


    Hé Guenni007

    I appreciate what you do immensely.
    Making a demo site, converting my logo, …
    Where do you find the time?

    I manged to put the logo on the site with overlap.
    Had to fiddle with the z-index because the slider was constantly displaying on top.

    I compared my logo and your logo with notepad++ and boy what a difference.
    I don’t have access to Illustrator but I converted my logo with SVGPathCommander to path and that logo displays also. Will have to figure out how to do it properly with Inkscape when I find the time. First time working with SVG. I’ve been out of the business for almost 10 years. I used to code all my sites with NotePad++ from scratch.

    “As I said, it’s always better for us who want to help to be able to analyze the page with the problems.”
    What type of access do you need to do this? Is the access URL not enough?

    I wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!


    i’m participant as you are – so no private content for me. But now – seriously – now i’m out – first guest will arrive at 3pm


    With the info provided by Gueni007 I figured it out. Thanks again Guenni007!

    Rikard, you may mark the question as answered.



    Thanks for the update. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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