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  • #1292627

    SVG-support is enable in my WordPress installation. I have added some SVG-logo’s to the logoslider element but then I get the following error: Warning: Division by zero in /home/enfold/public_html/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/logoslider/logoslider.php on line 1031

    I can probably fix it by adding PNG-files, but it would look much better in SVG-quality.
    Can I achieve this with Enfold?


    Hey envis,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    It is not working because the svg images do not have specified width and/or height as we explained in this old thread.


    You may have to use another image format.

    Best regards,


    hm – i can not confirm this – on Enfold 4.8.1 and WP5.7 you can even have animated svgs inside logoslider:

    The code on the bottom is only to ensure the same width / same height of the logos
    Can you post such a svg you try to insert?

    just paste the svg code inside a code here.

    PS : read this to have a preview in ALB Elements and inserted svg Images:



    Thanks for sharing @guenni007 :-)

    Best regards,

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