I have created 9 icons using SVG files by fontello icon generator. I have uploaded the zip file (the name is EDU.zip) with the Iconfont Manager in my Child Theme.
But when I open an IconBox I can`t see them – they are showing just like blanc squares. I have cleared the cache many times.
Can you help, please!
Hello, again,
After reading a few more answers on the same topic, I realized that I did not name the font correctly when creating it in Fontello. I did it again and now, after my font has its own name, all the icons are displayed correctly. Thanks for the answers in the other topics.
Great, I’m glad that you found a solution, and thanks for the update. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.
Best regards,
Thank you for the answer.
Everything with this topic i OK and it can be closed.