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  • #1338412


    I’m using Enfold (with child theme) together with WooCommerse and I’m using an SVG divider at the bottom of every page but I can’t find any way to put it on the side where my shop is.

    I have a static “start-page” and a couple of other pages like support, contact us, and so on. One of the menu alternatives is to my shop that just shows all products, a standard WooCommerce shop page. I want to have the same kind of SVG divider at the bottom of this side also. Is that possible? Don’t need it in the checkout pages even if that would have been nice.

    The SVG divider lays together with my socket and It looks like this
    SVG divider



    Hey Brolle,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    but I can’t find any way to put it on the side where my shop is.

    What do you mean by “side”? Please post the shop URL in the private field and provide us a screenshot of the section where you need to apply or place the divider. And FYI, you can create a custom shop page using the Advance Layout Builder. You need to add this code in the functions.php file.

    add_theme_support( 'avia_custom_shop_page' );

    For more info about the custom shop page, please check this documentation.


    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Option1 (Want to have this if possible)
    With side I mean page or site. Sorry for that.

    On all pages on my site I use this SVG divider in bottom
    with svg

    But on the “shop page” I can’t add this SVG divider at the bottom
    no svg

    Is it possible to add an SVG divider at the bottom of the standard WooCommerce shop page?

    Option 2 (Make my own shop page, my second choice)
    What does that code do? Why isn’t it possible to do this without the code?
    I have tried to make a “new” page for the shop and just inserted the product grid. All functions seem to work, why do I need the code?



    i guess your option 2 was the way to go.
    If you see that startpage of the demo:
    That is a enfold styled shop landing page. And to that it is easy to insert that svg divider you like.


    Hi Guenni007,

    Ok, I understand the good things about it. Thanks!

    But what does the code do? Why should I use that?
    add_theme_support( 'avia_custom_shop_page' );

    I tried just a little without it and things seem to work. What could not work if I don’t use it?



    But you can create that page with or without that. Read the first list point on that link


    Thanks, so if I understand everything correctly now it will work perfect without adding the code? I will not miss any functions or other “good to have” things?

    Sorry for all these questions, I just want to be 100% sure I don’t miss anything here. Ismael writes: You need to add this code…


    on your page list – there is a “shop” page – this was setup by WooCommerce ( like Cart and Checkout Page )
    These from woocommerce generated pages couldn’t be edited by advanced layout editor. Thats all.
    If you create your own page like the mentioned sample page of enfold you can use the advanced layout editor, but have to layout that page yourself.
    On the advanced layout editor there will be an extra tab besides the media elements : “Plugin Additions” containing some extra elements concerning to WooCommerce.

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