As I just done purchasing a 12 months Licence, how can I profit from your Support, I didnt get any Licence KEY, only a generated Token on:
ENVATO token: KHKmrIBG7otej1LzhkTwSnfdbzEeo3Bb
I need to report two bugs!
Thank you
Hey Steve,
Do you have a receipt which you could share with us? Also, did you use the same account to purchase your theme license as you did with the extended support?
You can post your problems in this channel for now if you like.
Best regards,
You don’t get a new license code, the support period is added to your current license. I added your current code to the box which says that you don’t have a valid support period, and that worked. Please try logging in again.
Best regards,
Works now!
I will post my questions there…