Tagged: heading
Hi all,
I did the design for my site and I can not do something :( .
Here is the design:
And I don’t find how to superimpose my H1 and H2 like in this picture :(
I ask the help of a charitable soul, if possible expert in wordpress :)
Thank you a lot !
Hey Nick-,
This can possibly being accomplished using a background image for the “background heading”. Set it as the background of the h1 and h2.
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon
Hey Jordan Shannon,
Thank you for your answer!
You propose to put my words as wallpaper in the image with Ai or Ps and post it or i don’t understand very well ?
Because i thought about this solution but it’s not very optimized for the SEO and not very professional.
Best regards
Hi Nick,
One can be the image as the background of the h1 or h2.
Best regards,